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There are 11 words containing B, C, D, M, N, T and U

COUNTERMANDABLEcountermandable adj. Capable of being countermanded.
COUNTERMANDABLE adj. able to be countermanded.
DEBAUCHMENTdebauchment n. The act of debauching or corrupting; the act of seducing from virtue or duty.
DEBAUCHMENT n. the act of debauching.
DEBAUCHMENTSdebauchments n. Plural of debauchment.
DEBAUCHMENT n. the act of debauching.
DEBOUCHMENTdebouchment n. The point of debouch of a watercourse.
debouchment n. (Medicine) Opening or emptying into another part.
debouchment n. (Military) The act, or the result of debouching.
DEBOUCHMENTSdebouchments n. Plural of debouchment.
DEBOUCHMENT n. the act of debouching.
DECUMBENTdecumbent adj. Lying down; reclining on the ground.
decumbent adj. (Botany) Of a plant, which lies on the ground with tips turned upwards.
DECUMBENT adj. lying down; reclining on the ground.
DECUMBENTLYdecumbently adv. In a decumbent posture.
DECUMBENT adv. lying down; reclining on the ground.
DISENCUMBERMENTDISENCUMBERMENT n. the act of disencumbering.
DOCUMENTABLEdocumentable adj. Capable of being supported by documentary evidence.
DOCUMENTABLE adj. capable of being documented.
DUMBSTRICKENDUMBSTRICKEN adj. made silent by astonishment, also DUMBSTRUCK.
MULTIBRANCHEDmultibranched adj. Having more than one branch.
MULTIBRANCHED adj. having many branches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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