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There are 9 words containing B, C, D, E, G, H and U

DOUCHEBAGdouchebag n. (US, slang, vulgar) A jerk or asshole; a mean or rude person; someone seen as being arrogant, snobby or obnoxious.
douchebag n. A sterile container which holds the fluid used for giving a vaginal douche.
douchebag n. (US, slang) Any social misfit; a doofus, dork, or nerd.
DEBAUCHINGdebauching v. Present participle of debauch.
DEBAUCH v. to lead into lewdness, also DEBOSH.
DEBOUCHINGdebouching v. Present participle of debouche.
DEBOUCH v. to emerge or issue from a narrow area into the open.
DOUCHEBAGSdouchebags n. Plural of douchebag.
douche␣bags n. Plural of douche bag.
DOUCHEBAG n. a despicable person.
BERGSCHRUNDbergschrund n. Alternative form of bergshrund.
BERGSCHRUND n. (German) a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall.
BERGSCHRUNDSbergschrunds n. Plural of bergschrund.
BERGSCHRUND n. (German) a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall.
NIGHTCLUBBEDnightclubbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of nightclub.
NIGHTCLUB v. to visit nightclubs.
TURBOCHARGEDturbocharged adj. Having a turbocharger.
turbocharged v. Simple past tense and past participle of turbocharge.
TURBOCHARGED adj. equipped with a turbocharger.
THOROUGHBRACEDTHOROUGHBRACED adj. fitted with a thoroughbrace.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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