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There are 18 words containing B, 2C, N, 2O and U

BIOACCUMULATIONbioaccumulation n. (Biology) The process by which substances accumulate in the tissues of living organisms; used especially…
BIOACCUMULATION n. accumulation in a biological system over time.
BIOACOUSTICIANbioacoustician n. (Biology) An expert in bioacoustics.
BIOACOUSTICIANSbioacousticians n. Plural of bioacoustician.
CARBONACEOUScarbonaceous adj. Of, relating to, rich in, or yielding carbon, or a compound of carbon.
CARBONACEOUS adj. coaly; containing much carbon.
COUNTERBLOCKADEcounterblockade n. A blockade set up in opposition to another blockade.
COUNTERBLOCKADE n. an opposing blockade.
NONACCOUNTABLEnonaccountable adj. Not accountable.
NONACCOUNTABLE adj. not accountable.
OROBANCHACEOUSorobanchaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Orobanchaceae, plants mostly parasitic on the roots of other plants.
OROBANCHACEOUS adj. belonging to the broomrape family.
SUBCOLLECTIONsubcollection n. A subset of a collection.
SUBCOLLECTION n. a subdivision of a collection.
SUBCOLLECTIONSsubcollections n. Plural of subcollection.
SUBCOLLECTION n. a subdivision of a collection.
SUBCONSCIOUSsubconscious adj. Partially conscious.
subconscious adj. (Psychology, dated) Synonym of unconscious.
subconscious n. (Psychology, dated) Synonym of unconscious.
SUBCONSCIOUSESsubconsciouses n. Plural of subconscious.
SUBCONSCIOUS n. the mental activities just below the threshold of consciousness.
SUBCONSCIOUSLYsubconsciously adv. Below the level of conscious awareness.
SUBCONSCIOUS adv. below the threshold of consciousness.
SUBCONTRACTORsubcontractor n. A contractor hired by a general contractor employed by the contractor rather than directly hired by the customer.
SUBCONTRACTOR n. an individual or business firm contracting to perform part or all of another's contract.
SUBCONTRACTORSsubcontractors n. Plural of subcontractor.
SUBCONTRACTOR n. an individual or business firm contracting to perform part or all of another's contract.
SUBCONTRAOCTAVEsubcontraoctave n. (Music) The octave on the bass clef ranging from three octaves below the staff (C0) to two octaves below…
SUBCONTRAOCTAVE n. the octave below the contraoctave.
SUBECONOMICsubeconomic adj. Not of sufficient value to be exploited for money.
SUBECONOMIC adj. below the economy.
UNCONSCIONABLEunconscionable adj. Not conscionable; unscrupulous and lacking principles or conscience.
unconscionable adj. Excessive, imprudent or unreasonable.
UNCONSCIONABLE adj. showing no regard for conscience; excessive.
UNCONSCIONABLYunconscionably adv. In an unconscionable manner.
UNCONSCIONABLE adv. showing no regard for conscience; excessive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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