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There are 13 words containing B, 2C, H, L, O and T

BACKCLOTHbackcloth n. The painted scenery at the back of a stage; the backdrop.
back-cloth n. Alternative spelling of backcloth.
BACKCLOTH n. the painted cloth or curtain at the back of the stage.
BACKCLOTHSbackcloths n. Plural of backcloth.
back-cloths n. Plural of back-cloth.
BACKCLOTH n. the painted cloth or curtain at the back of the stage.
BIOTECHNICALbiotechnical adj. Of or pertaining to biotechnology.
BIOTECHNICAL adj. of or relating to biotechnology.
BRACHYDACTYLOUSbrachydactylous adj. (Zoology) Having abnormally short digits.
BRACHYDACTYLOUS adj. having short or stubby fingers.
BREECHCLOTHbreechcloth n. An apron-like garment held on by a belt tied around the waist to cover the loins; a loincloth.
breech-cloth n. Alternative spelling of breechcloth.
BREECHCLOTH n. a loincloth.
BREECHCLOTHSbreechcloths n. Plural of breechcloth.
breech-cloths n. Plural of breech-cloth.
BREECHCLOTH n. a loincloth.
BREECHCLOUTbreechclout n. (Dated) A breechcloth or loincloth.
BREECHCLOUT n. a loincloth.
BREECHCLOUTSbreechclouts n. Plural of breechclout.
BREECHCLOUT n. a loincloth.
CLAUSTROPHOBICclaustrophobic adj. (Psychology) Suffering from claustrophobia; being scared of being enclosed in a confined space.
claustrophobic adj. Cramped and confined, so as to induce claustrophobia.
claustrophobic n. Someone with claustrophobia.
COACHBUILTcoachbuilt adj. Alternative form of coach-built.
coach-built adj. (Of a vehicle) Having specially built bodywork, built to order.
COACHBUILT adj. of a vehicle body, built to individula specifications by coachbuilders.
CRUMBCLOTHcrumbcloth n. A cloth laid under a dining table to receive falling fragments and keep the carpet or floor clean.
CRUMBCLOTH n. a cloth laid under a table to keep crumbs from the carpet.
CRUMBCLOTHScrumbcloths n. Plural of crumbcloth.
CRUMBCLOTH n. a cloth laid under a table to keep crumbs from the carpet.
HYPERCATABOLIChypercatabolic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hypercatabolism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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