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There are 11 words containing B, 2C, E, H, M and S

ACCOMPLISHABLEaccomplishable adj. Capable of being accomplished; practicable.
ACCOMPLISHABLE adj. capable of being accomplished.
BEACHCOMBERSbeachcombers n. Plural of beachcomber.
BEACHCOMBER n. a white man living as a drifter or loafer especially on the islands of the South Pacific.
BEACHCOMBINGSbeachcombings n. Plural of beachcombing.
BEACHCOMBING n. wandering along a beach looking for useful objects.
BEACHCOMBSbeachcombs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beachcomb.
beachcombs n. Plural of beachcomb.
BEACHCOMB v. to wander along a beach looking for useful objects.
BIOCHEMICALSbiochemicals n. Plural of biochemical.
BIOCHEMICAL n. a chemical of biological origin.
BIOGEOCHEMICALSbiogeochemicals n. Plural of biogeochemical.
BIOGEOCHEMICALS n. the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
BIOMECHANICSbiomechanics n. (Biology, physics) The branch of biophysics that deals with the mechanics of the human or animal body;…
biomechanics n. (Biology) The functioning of a particular part of a body.
BIOMECHANICS n. the mechanics of biological and esp. muscular activity.
BRACHYCEPHALISMbrachycephalism n. Dated form of brachycephaly.
BRACHYCEPHALISM n. the state of being brachycephalic, short-headed.
CHECKERBLOOMScheckerblooms n. Plural of checkerbloom.
CHECKERBLOOM n. a Californian malvaceous plant with pink or purple flowers.
CIBACHROMESCibachromes n. Plural of Cibachrome.
CIBACHROME n. a type of colour print made directly form a colour transparency.
COMPUTERPHOBICScomputerphobics n. Plural of computerphobic.
COMPUTERPHOBIC n. someone having an irrational fear of computers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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