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There are 14 words containing 2B, O, R, 2T and U

BIODESTRUCTIBLEbiodestructible adj. Capable of being destroyed by natural biological processes.
BIODESTRUCTIBLE adj. biodegradable.
BIOTURBATEDbioturbated adj. Mixed by bioturbation.
BIOTURBATIONbioturbation n. (Geology) the mixing of soil or sediment by living organisms.
BIOTURBATION n. the restructuring of sedimentary deposits (as in a lake bottom or seabed) by moving organisms (as worms and burrowing clams).
BIOTURBATIONSbioturbations n. Plural of bioturbation.
BIOTURBATION n. the restructuring of sedimentary deposits (as in a lake bottom or seabed) by moving organisms (as worms and burrowing clams).
BOTTLEBRUSHbottlebrush n. A cylindrical brush on a thin shaft that is used to clean bottles.
bottlebrush n. Any of various trees or shrubs of the myrtle family, especially of the genera Callistemon and Melaleuca…
bottlebrush n. An uncommon cave formation resulting from a rise in water level such that a stalactite becomes immersed…
BOTTLEBRUSHESbottlebrushes n. Plural of bottlebrush.
bottle␣brushes n. Plural of bottle brush.
BOTTLEBRUSH n. an Australian flower.
CONTRIBUTABLEcontributable adj. Capable of being contributed.
CONTRIBUTABLE adj. able to be contributed.
NONATTRIBUTABLEnonattributable adj. Not attributable.
NONATTRIBUTABLE adj. that cannot be attributed.
NONBARBITURATEnonbarbiturate n. A substance that is not a barbiturate.
NONBARBITURATE n. something that is not barbiturate.
NONBARBITURATESnonbarbiturates n. Plural of nonbarbiturate.
NONBARBITURATE n. something that is not barbiturate.
OUTTHROBBEDoutthrobbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outthrob.
OUTTHROB v. to surpass in throbbing.
OUTTHROBBINGoutthrobbing v. Present participle of outthrob.
OUTTHROB v. to surpass in throbbing.
STUBBORNESTstubbornest adj. Superlative form of stubborn: most stubborn.
STUBBORN adj. obstinate.
THIOBARBITURATEthiobarbiturate n. (Medicine) Any compound obtained from a barbiturate by the formal substitution of an oxygen atom by one of sulfur.
THIOBARBITURATE n. a salt of thiobarbituric acid similar in effect to a barbiturate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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