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There are 15 words containing 2B, M, 2O, S and U

BOOMBURBSboomburbs n. Plural of boomburb.
BOOMBURB n. a large suburb experiencing rapid population growth.
ABCOULOMBSabcoulombs n. Plural of abcoulomb.
ABCOULOMB n. the unit of electric charge, equal to ten coulombs.
BOURBONISMBourbonism n. (Historical) The principles of the supporters of the House of Bourbon; obstinate conservatism.
BOURBONISM n. the principles of those adhering to the house of Bourbon; obstinate conservatism.
BORBORYGMUSborborygmus n. A rumbling sound made by the movement of gas in the intestines.
borborygmus n. (Figurative) Something resembling borborygmus.
BORBORYGMUS n. (Greek) a rumbling noise produced by the movement of gas through the intestines.
BOURBONISMSBourbonisms n. Plural of Bourbonism.
BOURBONISM n. the principles of those adhering to the house of Bourbon; obstinate conservatism.
BUMBERSHOOTbumbershoot n. (Slang, humorous, US) An umbrella.
BUMBERSHOOT n. (US slang) umbrella.
BOMBACACEOUSbombacaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the now disused family Bombacaceae (now the much-reduced subfamily Bombacoideae in Malvaceae).
BOMBACACEOUS adj. relating to the family Bombacaceae, silk-cotton trees.
BUMBERSHOOTSbumbershoots n. Plural of bumbershoot.
BUMBERSHOOT n. (US slang) umbrella.
OBUMBRATIONSobumbrations n. Plural of obumbration.
OBUMBRATION n. the act of obumbrating.
OMBROPHOBOUSombrophobous adj. Synonym of ombrophobic.
OMBROPHOBOUS adj. of or like an ombrophobe, a plant thriving only in desert conditions.
DISCOMBOBULATEdiscombobulate v. (Transitive, humorous) To throw into a state of confusion; to befuddle or perplex.
DISCOMBOBULATE v. to throw into a state of confusion, also DISCOMBOBERATE.
NONCOMBUSTIBLEnoncombustible adj. That will not readily ignite and burn.
noncombustible n. (Mostly plural) Any substance that is not combustible.
NONCOMBUSTIBLE n. something that is not combustible.
DISCOMBOBULATEDdiscombobulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of discombobulate.
discombobulated adj. (Informal) Confused, embarrassed, upset.
discombobulated adj. (Informal) Broken, mixed up.
DISCOMBOBULATESdiscombobulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discombobulate.
DISCOMBOBULATE v. to throw into a state of confusion, also DISCOMBOBERATE.
NONCOMBUSTIBLESnoncombustibles n. Plural of noncombustible.
NONCOMBUSTIBLE n. something that is not combustible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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