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There are 19 words containing 2B, L, O, S, U and Y

BELLBUOYSbell␣buoys n. Plural of bell buoy.
BELLBUOY n. a buoy having a bell.
BULBOSITYbulbosity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being bulbous.
bulbosity n. (Countable) Something bulbous.
BULBOSITY n. the state of being bulbous.
BULBOUSLYbulbously adv. In a bulbous manner.
BULBOUS adv. bulb-shaped.
BULLYBOYSbullyboys n. Plural of bullyboy.
bully-boys n. Plural of bully-boy.
bully␣boys n. Plural of bully boy.
GIBBOUSLYgibbously adv. In a gibbous manner.
GIBBOUS adv. humpbacked, humped; (of a moon) between half and full, also GIBBOSE.
BIBULOUSLYbibulously adv. In a bibulous manner; drunkenly; as if intoxicated.
BIBULOUS adv. addicted to strong drink.
BODYBUILDSbodybuilds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bodybuild.
BODYBUILD v. to build up one's body.
CUBBYHOLEScubbyholes n. Plural of cubbyhole.
cubbyholes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cubbyhole.
cubby␣holes n. Plural of cubby hole.
STUBBORNLYstubbornly adv. In a stubborn manner.
STUBBORN adv. obstinate.
BARBAROUSLYbarbarously adv. In a barbarous manner.
BARBAROUS adv. uncivilized.
COMBUSTIBLYcombustibly adv. In a combustible manner.
COMBUSTIBLE adv. able to be burned.
BELLYBUTTONSbellybuttons n. Plural of bellybutton.
belly-buttons n. Plural of belly-button.
belly␣buttons n. Plural of belly button.
BODYBUILDERSbodybuilders n. Plural of bodybuilder.
BODYBUILDER n. one who engages in bodybuilding.
BODYBUILDINGSBODYBUILDING n. the sport of building up one's physique.
BULBOPHYLLUMSSorry, definition not available.
INCOMBUSTIBLYincombustibly adv. In an incombustible manner.
INCOMBUSTIBLE adv. not combustible.
SUPERLOBBYISTsuperlobbyist n. (Politics) An extremely skilled or powerful lobbyist.
SUPERLOBBYIST n. an exceptionally effective lobbyist.
COMBUSTIBILITYcombustibility n. The quality or state of being combustible.
COMBUSTIBILITY n. the state of being combustible.
SUPERLOBBYISTSsuperlobbyists n. Plural of superlobbyist.
SUPERLOBBYIST n. an exceptionally effective lobbyist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 148 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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