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There are 18 words containing 2B, 2I, S and 2T

BIBLIOTISTBIBLIOTIST n. one who practises bibliotics, the study of handwriting, documents, and writing materials.
RABBITIESTRABBITY adj. like a rabbit.
BABBITTRIESBABBITTRY n. narrow-minded middle-class complacence, also BABBITRY.
BABYSITTINGbabysitting v. Present participle of babysit.
babysitting n. The work of a babysitter; the care of children in the temporary absence of their parents or guardians.
baby-sitting v. Present participle of baby-sit.
BIBLIOTISTSBIBLIOTIST n. one who practises bibliotics, the study of handwriting, documents, and writing materials.
BABYSITTINGSbabysittings n. Plural of babysitting.
baby-sittings n. Plural of baby-sitting.
baby␣sittings n. Plural of baby sitting.
BABINGTONITESBABINGTONITE n. a triclinic basic silicate of iron and calcium, occurring as glassy greenish-black crystals.
BIBLIOLATRISTbibliolatrist n. Alternative form of bibliolater.
BIBLIOLATRIST n. a person given to bibliolatry.
BIOTURBATIONSbioturbations n. Plural of bioturbation.
BIOTURBATION n. the restructuring of sedimentary deposits (as in a lake bottom or seabed) by moving organisms (as worms and burrowing clams).
DISTRIBUTABLEdistributable adj. Capable of being distributed.
distributable n. (Construction) Any of the costs that are not directly associated with a specific account.
distributable n. (Computing) A software component that can be distributed.
BIBLIOLATRISTSbibliolatrists n. Plural of bibliolatrist.
BIBLIOLATRIST n. a person given to bibliolatry.
COMBUSTIBILITYcombustibility n. The quality or state of being combustible.
COMBUSTIBILITY n. the state of being combustible.
HABITABILITIEShabitabilities n. Plural of habitability.
HABITABILITY n. the state of being habitable.
SUBJECTABILITYsubjectability n. The quality of being subjectable.
SUBJECTABILITY n. the quality of being subjectable.
BIODESTRUCTIBLEbiodestructible adj. Capable of being destroyed by natural biological processes.
BIODESTRUCTIBLE adj. biodegradable.
BREATHABILITIESbreathabilities n. Plural of breathability.
BREATHABILITY n. the quality of being breathable.
INDISTRIBUTABLEindistributable adj. Not distributable.
INDISTRIBUTABLE adj. not able to be distributed.
OBTAINABILITIESOBTAINABILITY n. the state of being obtainable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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