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There are 19 words containing 2B, 2I, N and 2R

BARBARIANISMbarbarianism n. A primitive or simplistic ethos or societal condition; barbarism.
barbarianism n. Behaviour appropriate to a barbarian, that is uncivilized, brutal, or crude.
BARBARIANISM n. the state of being a barbarian.
BARBARIANISMSbarbarianisms n. Plural of barbarianism.
BARBARIANISM n. the state of being a barbarian.
BARBARISATIONbarbarisation n. An act which causes people to revert to a state which is primitive and uncivilized.
BARBARISATION n. the act of barbarising, also BARBARIZATION.
BARBARISATIONSbarbarisations n. Plural of barbarisation.
BARBARISATION n. the act of barbarising, also BARBARIZATION.
BARBARISINGbarbarising v. Present participle of barbarise.
BARBARISE v. to reduce to a state of barbarism, also BARBARIZE.
BARBARIZATIONbarbarization n. Alternative form of barbarisation.
BARBARIZATION n. the act of barbarizing, also BARBARISATION.
BARBARIZATIONSbarbarizations n. Plural of barbarization.
BARBARIZATION n. the act of barbarizing, also BARBARISATION.
BARBARIZINGbarbarizing v. Present participle of barbarize.
BARBARIZE v. to reduce to a state of barbarism, also BARBARISE.
BIRDBRAINbirdbrain n. (Colloquial) Someone who is not intelligent.
bird␣brain n. Alternative form of birdbrain.
BIRDBRAIN n. one of very limited intelligence.
BIRDBRAINEDbirdbrained adj. Silly and frivolous; empty-headed.
bird-brained adj. Alternative form of birdbrained.
BIRDBRAINED adj. simpleminded.
BIRDBRAINSbirdbrains n. Plural of birdbrain.
bird␣brains n. Plural of bird brain.
BIRDBRAIN n. one of very limited intelligence.
OVERSUBSCRIBINGoversubscribing v. Present participle of oversubscribe.
OVERSUBSCRIBE v. to subscribe for more of than is available.
RIBBONIERRIBBONY adj. adorned with ribbons.
RIBBONRIESRIBBONRY n. ribbons collectively.
RUBBERISINGrubberising v. Present participle of rubberise.
RUBBERISE v. to coat with rubber, also RUBBERIZE.
RUBBERIZINGrubberizing v. Present participle of rubberize.
RUBBERIZE v. to coat with rubber, also RUBBERISE.
SUBLIBRARIANsublibrarian n. An under or assistant librarian.
SUBLIBRARIAN n. a subordinate librarian.
SUBLIBRARIANSsublibrarians n. Plural of sublibrarian.
SUBLIBRARIAN n. a subordinate librarian.
SUBURBICARIANsuburbicarian adj. (Roman Catholicism) Describing any of the six dioceses surrounding Rome, which are always headed by…
SUBURBICARIAN adj. pertaining to suburbs, used esp. of the dioceses surrounding Rome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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