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There are 20 words containing 2B, E, I, 2L and R

BELLBIRDbellbird n. Any of various birds with a far-carrying bell-like call, including the crested bellbird, Oreoica gutturalis…
bellbird n. (Australia) The bell miner, Manorina melanophrys, a bird that feeds on bell lerp (a variety of psyllid).
BELLBIRD n. any of several tropical American birds having a bell-like call, aka campanero.
BELLBIRDSbellbirds n. Plural of bellbird.
BELLBIRD n. any of several tropical American birds having a bell-like call, aka campanero.
BULLBRIERBULLBRIER n. a prickly American vine.
BULLBRIERSBULLBRIER n. a prickly American vine.
LUBBERLIERLUBBERLY adj. like a lubber, clumsy.
BIBLIOLATERbibliolater n. A worshipper of books, especially the Bible.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
BILLBOARDEDbillboarded adj. Lined with billboards.
billboarded adj. (Computer graphics) Displayed using the billboarding technique.
BILLBOARD v. to advertise by means of billboards.
GIBBERELLICgibberellic adj. Describing gibberellic acid and its derivatives.
GIBBERELLIC adj. denoting a type of acid.
GIBBERELLINgibberellin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of diterpene plant growth hormones first isolated from the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi.
GIBBERELLIN n. any of several plant-growth regulators produced by a fungus of the genus Gibberella.
LUBBERLIESTLUBBERLY adj. like a lubber, clumsy.
PREBIBLICALprebiblical adj. Before the publication of the Bible.
PREBIBLICAL adj. belonging to the period before bible records.
BIBLIOLATERSbibliolaters n. Plural of bibliolater.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
CYBERBULLIEScyberbullies n. Plural of cyberbully.
cyberbullies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cyberbully.
CYBERBULLY n. one who bullies via the medium of the Internet.
GIBBERELLINSgibberellins n. Plural of gibberellin.
GIBBERELLIN n. any of several plant-growth regulators produced by a fungus of the genus Gibberella.
LUBBERLINESSlubberliness n. Quality of being lubberly.
LUBBERLINESS n. the state of being lubberly.
SLUBBERINGLYslubberingly adv. (Dated) In a slovenly or hasty manner.
SLUBBERING adv. smearing.
BIBLIOLATRIESbibliolatries n. Plural of bibliolatry.
BIBLIOLATRY n. worship of the Bible or other books.
CYBERBULLYINGcyberbullying n. Acts in cyberspace intended to make life unpleasant for another person.
cyberbullying v. Present participle of cyberbully.
CYBERBULLYING n. bullying via the medium of the Internet.
CYBERBULLYINGSCYBERBULLYING n. bullying via the medium of the Internet.
LUBBERLINESSESLUBBERLINESS n. the state of being lubberly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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