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There are 14 words containing 2B, C, G, N, O and S

COBBLINGScobblings n. Plural of cobbling.
COBBLING n. mending shoes.
SCROBBINGSCROB v. to scrape with or as with claws.
SCROBBLINGscrobbling v. Present participle of scrobble.
SCROBBLE v. of an online music service, to record a listener's musical preferences and recommend similar music that he or she might enjoy.
CASHMOBBINGCASHMOBBING n. coordinating people to meet and spend money at a local, independent business at a particular time.
BLOCKBUSTINGblockbusting n. (US) A technique used to encourage people to sell their property by giving the impression that a neighborhood…
blockbusting adj. Having the characteristics of a blockbuster; hugely successful.
BLOCKBUSTING n. the act of bringing about the sale of property in an area by stirring up fears of racial change.
CABBAGETOWNSCABBAGETOWN n. from Cabbagetown, a depressed area of Toronto, where the Anglo-Saxon population was thought to exist on cabbage.
CASHMOBBINGSCASHMOBBING n. coordinating people to meet and spend money at a local, independent business at a particular time.
STOCKJOBBINGstockjobbing n. (Trading, dated) Making markets in equity securities; dealing in stocks and shares.
STOCKJOBBING n. a list of stocks and current prices regularly issued.
BEACHCOMBINGSbeachcombings n. Plural of beachcombing.
BEACHCOMBING n. wandering along a beach looking for useful objects.
BLOCKBUSTINGSBLOCKBUSTING n. the act of bringing about the sale of property in an area by stirring up fears of racial change.
COBBLESTONINGcobblestoning n. (Medicine) Any lumpy appearance of the trachea, lungs, etc. caused by regular nodules.
COBBLESTONE v. to pave with cobblestones.
STOCKJOBBINGSstockjobbings n. Plural of stockjobbing.
STOCKJOBBING n. a list of stocks and current prices regularly issued.
PSYCHOBABBLINGpsychobabbling v. Present participle of psychobabble.
psychobabbling adj. That makes use of psychobabble.
PSYCHOBABBLE v. to use language laden with jargon from psychotherapy or psychiatry used without much concern for accuracy.
OVERSUBSCRIBINGoversubscribing v. Present participle of oversubscribe.
OVERSUBSCRIBE v. to subscribe for more of than is available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 118 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 71 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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