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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, I, N, R, S, T and U

ANTIBUSERantibuser n. One who opposes busing (transportation of children to school so as to achieve racial integration).
ANTIBUSER n. a person who opposes the busing of children to faraway schools to achieve racial balance.
BANDURISTbandurist n. Someone who plays the bandura.
BANDURIST n. one who plays the bandura.
BLURTINGSblurtings n. Plural of blurting.
BLURTING n. the act of blurting, speaking without due thought.
BRAUNITESbraunites n. Plural of braunite.
BRAUNITE n. a native oxide of manganese, of dark brownish black color.
BURINISTSburinists n. Plural of burinist.
BURINIST n. one who works with the burin, an engraver's tool.
OBTRUSIONobtrusion n. An interference or intrusion.
obtrusion n. An encroachment beyond proper limits.
OBTRUSION n. an unwanted thrusting in, forward or upon.
SUBENTIREsubentire adj. (Botany) Almost entire (having just a few indentations).
SUBENTIRE adj. of a leaf, with very faintly indented margin.
SUNBRIGHTsunbright adj. (Poetic) Full of sunshine; bright like the sun or shining with reflected sunlight.
SUNBRIGHT adj. bright as the sun.
SURBATINGsurbating v. Present participle of surbate.
SURBATE v. to make footsore; to harass or fatigue.
TABOURINStabourins n. Plural of tabourin.
TABOURIN n. a small drum longer in body than the tabor, also TABORIN, TABORINE.
TAMBURINStamburins n. Plural of tamburin.
TAMBURIN n. (Spenser) a tambourine.
TRIBUNALStribunals n. Plural of tribunal.
TRIBUNAL n. a court of justice.
TURBINALSturbinals n. Plural of turbinal.
TURBINAL n. a scroll-like bone of the nose, also TURBINATE.
URBANISTSurbanists n. Plural of urbanist.
Urbanists n. Plural of Urbanist.
URBANIST n. a specialist in city planning.
URBANITESurbanites n. Plural of urbanite.
URBANITE n. one who lives in a city.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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