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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing B, G, I, M, N, S and U

AMBUSHINGambushing v. Present participle of ambush.
ambushing n. An ambush.
AMBUSH v. to attack from a concealed place.
BUMBLINGSbumblings n. Plural of bumbling.
BUMBLING n. an instance of clumsiness.
CUMBUNGISCUMBUNGI n. (Native Australian) a tall Australian marsh plant.
EMBUSSINGembussing v. Present participle of embus.
EMBUS v. to board a bus.
EMBUSYINGembusying v. Present participle of embusy.
EMBUSY v. (Spenser) to employ.
HUMBLINGShumblings n. Plural of humbling.
HUMBLING n. the act of humbling.
IMBURSINGimbursing v. Present participle of imburse.
IMBURSE v. to put in a purse.
MUMBLINGSmumblings n. Plural of mumbling.
MUMBLING n. the act of mumbling.
PLUMBINGSplumbings n. Plural of plumbing.
PLUMBING n. the pipe system of a building.
RUMBLINGSrumblings n. Plural of rumbling.
RUMBLING n. a deep, thunderous sound.
SCUMBLINGscumbling v. Present participle of scumble.
scumbling n. An application of scumbling; an opaque glaze.
SCUMBLING n. the act of scumbling.
STUMBLINGstumbling v. Present participle and gerund of stumble.
stumbling n. The motion of one who stumbles.
STUMBLE v. to trip when walking or running.
SUBLIMINGsubliming v. Present participle of sublime.
subliming n. Sublimation.
SUBLIMING n. the act of subliming.
SUBSUMINGsubsuming v. Present participle of subsume.
SUBSUME v. to classify within a larger category.
TUMBLINGStumblings n. Plural of tumbling.
TUMBLING n. the sport of gymnastics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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