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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, E, I, R, 2T and U

ATTRIBUTEattribute n. A characteristic or quality of a thing.
attribute n. An object that is considered typical of someone or some function, in particular as an artistic convention.
attribute n. (Grammar) A word that qualifies a noun.
BITTERNUTbitternut n. The bitternut hickory, Carya cordiformis, a common hickory tree native to the eastern United States…
bitternut n. Its fruit, a bitter nut sometimes used as feed for livestock.
BITTERNUT n. a North American hickory tree.
BRIQUETTEbriquette n. A small brick, typically made of charcoal and used for fuel.
briquette n. A block of artificial stone in the form of a brick, used for paving.
briquette n. A molded sample of solidified cement or mortar for use as a test piece for showing the strength of the material.
BURSTIESTburstiest adj. Superlative form of bursty: most bursty.
BURSTY adj. occurring in short sudden episodes or bursts.
BUTTERIERbutterier adj. Comparative form of buttery: more buttery.
BUTTERY adj. containing butter.
BUTTERIESbutteries n. Plural of buttery.
BUTTERY n. a wine cellar.
BUTTERINEbutterine n. An imitation butter prepared from animal fat with other ingredients.
BUTTERINE n. a substance prepared from animal fat with some other ingredients intermixed, as an imitation of butter.
BUTTERINGbuttering v. Present participle of butter.
buttering n. The action of the verb to butter.
BUTTER v. to spread with a milk product.
BUTTONIERBUTTONY adj. ornamented with a large number of buttons.
JITTERBUGjitterbug n. (Colloquial) A nervous or jittery person.
jitterbug n. (Jazz) A jazz musician or aficionado.
jitterbug n. (Dance) An uptempo jazz or swing dance which embellishes on the two-step pattern and frequently incorporates…
LITTERBUGlitterbug n. (Informal) A person who tends to drop litter and not clean it up.
LITTERBUG n. someone who creates litter.
REBUTTINGrebutting v. Present participle of rebut.
REBUT v. to prove to be false or erroneous.
RETRIBUTEretribute v. To pay back; to give in return, as payment, reward, or punishment; to requite.
RETRIBUTE v. to give in return.
SUBMITTERsubmitter n. A person who submits (e.g. a paper for publication).
submitter n. A person who submits to the authority of another.
SUBMITTER n. one who submits.
TRIBULATEtribulate v. (Transitive) To trouble greatly; to afflict with tribulation.
TRIBULATE v. to cause to endure tribulation.
TRIBUNATEtribunate n. The state or office of a tribune; tribuneship.
TRIBUNATE n. the office of a tribune.
TRIBUTERStributers n. Plural of tributer.
TRIBUTER n. a miner who works for a certain portion of the ore, or its value.
TURBIDITEturbidite n. (Geology) Any sedimentary deposit formed by a turbidity current.
TURBIDITE n. the sediment deposited by a turbidity current.
TURBINATEturbinate adj. Shaped or spinning like a top (spinning top).
turbinate adj. In the shape of a coil.
turbinate adj. (Zoology) Spiral and decreasing sharply in diameter from base to apex.
YTTERBIUMytterbium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Yb) with an atomic number of 70.
ytterbium n. A single atom of this element.
YTTERBIUM n. (Swedish) a rare element of the boron group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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