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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, E, G, I, 2N and R

BANNERINGbannering v. Present participle of banner.
BANNER v. to furnish with a flag.
BANTERINGbantering n. Teasing.
bantering n. Joking; jesting.
bantering v. Present participle of banter.
BARKENINGbarkening v. Present participle of barken.
BARKEN v. to dry up in a barky crust.
BARNEYINGbarneying v. Present participle of barney.
BARNEY v. to quarrel loudly.
BEGINNERSbeginners n. Plural of beginner.
BEGINNER n. one who begins, a novice.
BRAZENINGbrazening v. Present participle of brazen.
BRAZEN v. to face boldly.
BREENGINGbreenging v. Present participle of breenge.
BREENGE v. (Scots) to plunge forward, also BREINGE.
BREINGINGBREINGE v. (Scots) to plunge forward, also BREENGE.
BUNKERINGbunkering v. Present participle of bunker.
bunkering n. (Nautical) The taking on board of bunker fuel.
bunkering n. (Chiefly Nigeria) The illicit removal of oil from a pipeline or other distribution system.
BURDENINGburdening v. Present participle of burden.
BURDEN v. to load heavily.
NUMBERINGnumbering n. A sequence of numbers indicating order or otherwise used for identification.
numbering n. The action of creating or assigning such a sequence for identification.
numbering n. The action of counting or ordering with numbers.
REBINDINGrebinding v. Present participle of rebind.
rebinding n. The act or process by which something is rebound.
REBIND v. to bind again.
RINGBONESring-bones n. Plural of ring-bone.
RINGBONE n. a bony growth on a horse's foot.
UNBEARINGunbearing v. Present participle of unbear.
unbearing adj. Bearing no fruit.
UNBEAR v. to free from the pressure of a rein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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