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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing B, 2E, N, O, T and U

BEFORTUNEbefortune v. (Poetic, dated, transitive) To befall.
BEFORTUNE v. (Shakespeare) to befall.
BLUESTONEbluestone n. Any of several bluish grey varieties of stone used for construction…
bluestone n. Either of two related copper- and sulfur-based bright blue stones…
bluestone n. Lapis lazuli, or its core constituent, lazurite.
BOUNTREESBOUNTREE n. (Scots) the elder tree, also BOORTREE, BOURTREE.
BOUTONNEEBOUTONNEE adj. (French) reserved, reticent (of a female).
BUTEONINEbuteonine n. (Ornithology) Any bird in the accipitrid subfamily Buteoninae.
BUTEONINE adj. like a buzzard.
BUTEONINE n. a bird of the buzzard family.
ISOBUTENEisobutene n. (Organic chemistry) The unsaturated hydrocarbon methylpropene, (CH3)2C=CH2; used in the manufacture…
ISOBUTENE n. an isomer of butene.
OBSEQUENTobsequent adj. (Obsolete) Obedient; submissive; obsequious.
obsequent adj. (Geology) Facing the opposite way of what would be expected, for example, a stream flowing towards higher elevation.
obsequent n. (Geology) An obsequent geological feature.
TENEBROUStenebrous adj. Dark and gloomy.
TENEBROUS adj. gloomy, obscure, also TENEBRIOUS, TENEBROSE.
TUBENOSEStubenoses n. Plural of tubenose.
TUBENOSE n. a bird with tubular nostrils.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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