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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, 2E, L, R and 2S

ABSEILERSabseilers n. Plural of abseiler.
ABSEILER n. one that abseils.
ARBELESTSarbelests n. Plural of arbelest.
ARBELEST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALEST, ARBALIST, ARBLAST.
ASSEMBLERassembler n. (Programming, countable) A program that reads source code written in assembly language and produces…
assembler n. (Computer languages, informal, chiefly uncountable) Assembly language.
assembler n. (Countable) One who assembles items.
BEARDLESSbeardless adj. Lacking a beard.
beardless adj. (By extension, of a male) Not having reached puberty or manhood; youthful.
beardless adj. Destitute of an awn.
BERRYLESSberryless adj. Without berries.
BERRYLESS adj. without berries.
BESLAVERSbeslavers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beslaver.
BESLAVER v. to slobber upon.
BLESSEDERblesseder adj. Comparative form of blessed: more blessed.
BLESSED adj. holy.
BRAKELESSbrakeless adj. Without brakes (device used to slow or stop a vehicle).
BRAKELESS adj. without brakes.
BRAZELESSBRAZELESS adj. without soldering.
BREADLESSbreadless adj. Without bread.
breadless adj. (By extension) Without food.
BREADLESS adj. without bread.
BRIEFLESSbriefless adj. (Law) Lacking briefs (clients).
BRIEFLESS adj. having no brief; without clients; as, a briefless barrister.
BRINELESSbrineless adj. Not having any brine.
BRINELESS adj. without brine.
BUSHELERSbushelers n. Plural of busheler.
BUSHELER n. one who bushels, mends or alters clothes, also BUSHELLER, BUSHELMAN.
FIBERLESSfiberless adj. Lacking fibers.
FIBERLESS adj. having no fibers, also FIBRELESS.
FIBRELESSfibreless adj. Lacking fibres.
FIBRELESS adj. having no fibers, also FIBERLESS.
RESEMBLESresembles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resemble.
RESEMBLE v. to be alike.
RESTABLESrestables v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of restable.
RESTABLE v. to put in stables again.
REUSABLESreusables n. Plural of reusable.
REUSABLE n. something that can be used again.
SENSIBLERSENSIBLE adj. showing good judgement.
TRIBELESStribeless adj. Without a tribe.
TRIBELESS adj. without a tribe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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