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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing B, D, I, O, R, S and U

BIRDHOUSEbirdhouse n. A small house for birds.
birdhouse n. An aviary.
BIRDHOUSE n. a nesting-box; an aviary.
BOUDERIESBOUDERIE n. (French) a pouting, sulking.
BOURRIDESbourrides n. Plural of bourride.
BOURRIDE n. (French) a fish dish from Provence.
BURDIZZOSburdizzos n. Plural of burdizzo.
BURDIZZO n. a surgical instrument used to castrate animals.
COLUBRIDScolubrids n. Plural of colubrid.
COLUBRID n. any of a large family of snakes including the garter and king snake.
HYBRIDOUShybridous adj. (Archaic) hybrid.
HYBRIDOUS adj. hybrid.
MOUSEBIRDmousebird n. Any of a group of possibly passerine arboreal birds of order Coliiformes, confined to sub-Saharan Africa…
MOUSEBIRD n. another name for the coly, an African bird.
SUBEDITORsubeditor n. An assistant editor, usually in a specific department of a newspaper.
subeditor n. (UK) A copy editor at a newspaper or magazine.
sub-editor n. Alternative form of subeditor.
SUBPERIODsubperiod n. A period making up part of a larger period.
SUBPERIOD n. part of a period.
SUBTORRIDsubtorrid adj. Nearly torrid.
SUBTORRID adj. nearly torrid.
TUBEROIDStuberoids n. Plural of tuberoid.
TUBEROID n. a thickened or fleshy root resembling a tuber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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