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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing B, C, 2E, R, T and U

BECRUSTEDbecrusted adj. Covered with, or as if with, a crust; encrusted.
BECRUST v. to cover with a crust.
BUTCHEREDbutchered v. Simple past tense and past participle of butcher.
butchered adj. (Of an animal) Taken apart professionally, as a butcher might.
butchered adj. (By extension) Taken apart, destroyed or (figurative) distorted beyond recognition.
BUTCHERERbutcherer n. One who butchers; a brutal or indiscriminate killer.
BUTCHERER n. one who butchers.
COURBETTEcourbette n. A movement in dressage in which the horse makes a series of jumps on the hind legs with the forelegs in the air.
COURBETTE n. (French) a curvet.
RECUMBENTrecumbent adj. Lying down.
recumbent adj. Inactive; idle.
recumbent n. A bicycle or tricycle that places the rider in a reclined posture.
RESUBJECTresubject v. (Transitive) To subject again.
RESUBJECT v. to subject again.
RUBESCENTrubescent adj. Turning red; reddening.
RUBESCENT adj. growing red; blushing.
SUBCENTERsubcenter n. A local center in a larger network.
SUBCENTER n. a subordinate center, also SUBCENTRE.
SUBCENTREsubcentre n. Alternative form of subcenter.
SUBCENTRE n. a subordinate center, also SUBCENTER.
TREBUCHETtrebuchet n. A medieval siege engine consisting of a large pivoting arm heavily weighted on one end.
trebuchet n. A torture device for dunking suspected witches by means of a chair attached to the end of a long pole.
trebuchet v. To shoot with a trebuchet.
TREBUCKETtrebucket n. Alternative spelling of trebuchet.
TREBUCKET n. a medieval siege engine for launching stones, also TREBUCHET.
TUBERCLEDtubercled adj. Having, or affected with, tubercles.
TUBERCLED adj. having tubercles.
TUBERCLEStubercles n. Plural of tubercle.
TUBERCLE n. a small tuber, protuberance or swelling, also TUBERCULE.
TUBERCULEtubercule n. Alternative form of tubercle.
TUBERCULE n. a small tuber, protuberance or swelling, also TUBERCLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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