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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing B, I, N, R, S, T and U

BRUSTINGbrusting v. Present participle of brust.
BRUST v. (Spenser) to burst.
BRUTINGSBRUTING n. a process of diamond shaping.
BURINISTburinist n. One who engraves with a burin.
BURINIST n. one who works with the burin, an engraver's tool.
BURSTINGbursting adj. Very eager (to do something).
bursting adj. (Often followed by "to go to...") Urgently needing to urinate.
bursting adj. So full (with something) as almost to erupt.
BUTYRINSbutyrins n. Plural of butyrin.
BUTYRIN n. a butyrate of glycerin; a fat contained in small quantity in milk, which helps to give to butter its peculiar flavor.
INBURSTSinbursts n. Plural of inburst.
INBURST v. to burst into.
TRIBUNEStribunes n. Plural of tribune.
TRIBUNE n. an ancient Roman official; specifically (a) a magistrate appointed to protect the interests and rights of the plebeians; (b) a legionary officer.
TURBINESturbines n. Plural of turbine.
TURBINE n. a type of engine, also TURBO.
URBANISTurbanist n. A person who studies cities and their growth.
urbanist n. An urban planner.
Urbanist n. (Catholicism) A Poor Clare who follows or advocates the use of revised codes of conduct in place of…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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