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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing B, E, I, L, O, R and S

BLOUSIERblousier adj. Comparative form of blousy: more blousy.
BLOUSY adj. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOWSY, BLOWZY.
BLOWSIERblowsier adj. Comparative form of blowsy: more blowsy.
BLOWSY adj. coarse and ruddy-faced, also BLOUSY, BLOWZY.
BOLSHIERbolshier adj. Comparative form of bolshie: more bolshie.
BOLSHIE adj. leftwing, obstreperous, also BOLSHY.
BOREALISBOREALIS adj. (Latin) as in aurora borealis, lights seen round the North Pole.
BRICOLESbricoles n. Plural of bricole.
BRICOLE n. (French) a shot in billiards, involving a rebound, also BRICKWALL.
BROILERSbroilers n. Plural of broiler.
BROILER n. a quickly-reared young chicken sold ready for broiling.
BROLLIESbrollies n. Plural of brolly.
BROLLY n. an umbrella.
CORBEILScorbeils n. Plural of corbeil.
Corbeils prop.n. Plural of Corbeil.
CORBEIL n. (French) a basket filled with earth used as a missile.
EMBROILSembroils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of embroil.
EMBROIL v. to involve in conflict.
EROSIBLEerosible adj. Synonym of erodible.
EROSIBLE adj. that can be eroded, also ERODABLE, ERODIBLE.
OBLIGERSobligers n. Plural of obliger.
OBLIGER n. one who obliges, also OBLIGOR.
PREBOILSpreboils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preboil.
PREBOIL v. to boil beforehand.
RIBULOSEribulose n. (Organic chemistry, biochemistry) a ketopentose whose phosphate derivatives participate in photosynthesis.
RIBULOSE n. a type of sugar.
SLOBBIERslobbier adj. Comparative form of slobby: more slobby.
SLOBBY adj. characteristic of a slob.
STROBILEstrobile n. (Botany) A scaly multiple fruit resulting from the ripening of an ament in certain plants, such as the…
strobile n. (Biology) An individual asexually producing sexual individuals differing from itself also in other respects…
strobile n. (Zoology) A strobila or jointed segment.
TRILOBESTRILOBE n. something that has three lobes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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