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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing B, C, E, I, L, O and S

BINOCLESbinocles n. Plural of binocle.
BINOCLE n. (French) a telescope for use with both eyes at once.
BLOCKIESBLOCKIE n. (Australian slang) the owner of a small property, esp. a farm.
BRICOLESbricoles n. Plural of bricole.
BRICOLE n. (French) a shot in billiards, involving a rebound, also BRICKWALL.
CIBOULESciboules n. Plural of ciboule.
CIBOULE n. a variety of onion, aka spring onion, also CHIBOL, CIBOL, SYBO, SYBOE, SYBOW.
CORBEILScorbeils n. Plural of corbeil.
Corbeils prop.n. Plural of Corbeil.
CORBEIL n. (French) a basket filled with earth used as a missile.
ECBOLICSecbolics n. Plural of ecbolic.
ECBOLIC n. a drug used to assist childbirth.
SOCIABLEsociable adj. (Of a person) Tending to socialize or be social.
sociable adj. Offering opportunities for conversation; characterized by much conversation.
sociable adj. (Archaic) Capable of being, or fit to be, united in one body or company; associable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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