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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2B, E, I, L, R and U

BLUEBIRDbluebird n. Any of various North American birds of the genus Sialia in the thrush family. Their plumage is blue or blue and red.
bluebird n. Any of various African starlings of the genus Lamprotornis, family Sturnidae, having predominantly glossy…
Bluebird n. (Soccer) Someone connected with Cardiff City Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
BUBBLIERbubblier adj. Comparative form of bubbly: more bubbly.
BUBBLY adj. full of bubbles.
BURBLIERburblier adj. Comparative form of burbly: more burbly.
BURBLY adj. burbling.
CLUBBIERclubbier adj. Comparative form of clubby: more clubby.
CLUBBY adj. characteristic of a club.
HUBBLIERHUBBLY adj. having an uneven surface.
NUBBLIERnubblier adj. Comparative form of nubbly: more nubbly.
NUBBLY adj. having small protuberances, also NUBBY.
QUIBBLERquibbler n. Somebody who quibbles.
QUIBBLER n. one who quibbles.
RUBBLIERrubblier adj. Comparative form of rubbly: more rubbly.
RUBBLY adj. abounding in rubble.
SLUBBIERSLUBBY adj. lumpy, knobbly in texture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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