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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 2B, E, I, L, R and S

CRIBBLEScribbles n. Plural of cribble.
cribbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cribble.
CRIBBLE v. to decorate wood or metal with small dots or punctures.
DIBBLERSdibblers n. Plural of dibbler.
DIBBLER n. a device for making holes in soil.
DRIBBLESdribbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dribble.
dribbles n. Plural of dribble.
DRIBBLE v. to let saliva flow from the mouth.
FRIBBLESfribbles n. Plural of fribble.
FRIBBLE v. to be frivolous, trifle.
GRIBBLESgribbles n. Plural of gribble.
GRIBBLE n. a small crustacean which destroys submerged timber.
NIBBLERSnibblers n. Plural of nibbler.
NIBBLER n. one who nibbles.
PRIBBLESPribbles prop.n. Plural of Pribble.
PRIBBLE n. a clamorous contest, a brawl, also BRABBLE, PRABBLE.
RIBIBLESribibles n. Plural of ribible.
RIBIBLE n. a small three-stringed viol, a rebec, also RIBIBE.
SCRIBBLEscribble v. (Transitive, intransitive) To write or draw carelessly and in a hurry.
scribble v. To doodle.
scribble v. To write badly; to work as an inferior author or journalist.
SLABBIERslabbier adj. Comparative form of slabby: more slabby.
SLABBY adj. thick, viscous.
SLOBBIERslobbier adj. Comparative form of slobby: more slobby.
SLOBBY adj. characteristic of a slob.
SLUBBIERSLUBBY adj. lumpy, knobbly in texture.
STIBBLERstibbler n. (Obsolete) One who cuts the handfuls left by the reaper.
stibbler n. (Obsolete) A clerical locum tenens.
STIBBLER n. (Scots) a horse turned out to feed on stubble.
TRIBBLEStribbles n. Plural of tribble.
Tribbles prop.n. Plural of Tribble.
TRIBBLE n. a horizontal frame with wires for drying paper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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