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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 11 fifteen-letter words containing B, I, 3N, R and T

DINITROBENZENESdinitrobenzenes n. Plural of dinitrobenzene.
DINITROBENZENE n. any of three isomeric toxic compounds.
INSUBORDINATIONinsubordination n. The quality or state of being insubordinate; disobedience to lawful authority; specifically, an employee’s…
INSUBORDINATION n. the state of being insubordinate.
NONBELLIGERENTSnonbelligerents n. Plural of nonbelligerent.
non-belligerents n. Plural of non-belligerent.
NONBELLIGERENT n. one who is not a belligerent.
NONCELEBRATIONSnoncelebrations n. Plural of noncelebration.
NONCELEBRATION n. something that is not celebration.
NONCONTRIBUTINGnoncontributing adj. Not contributing; that does not contribute or does not involve contribution.
NONCONTRIBUTING adj. not contributing.
NONCONTRIBUTORYnoncontributory adj. Describing a pension plan in which the members do not provide their own direct contributions (that is…
noncontributory adj. Not being a contributing factor (to a decision, analysis, or situation), such as not contributing to…
NONCONTRIBUTORY adj. not contributory.
NONCONVERTIBLESSorry, definition not available.
NONRECOMBINANTSnonrecombinants n. Plural of nonrecombinant.
NONRECOMBINANT n. a gene not exhibiting the results of genetic recombination.
TRINITROBENZENEtrinitrobenzene n. (Organic chemistry) Any derivative of benzene containing three nitro groups, but especially the explosive…
TRINITROBENZENE n. a benzene compound.
UNCONSTRAINABLEunconstrainable adj. Not constrainable.
UNCONSTRAINABLE adj. not constrainable.
UNPRINTABLENESSunprintableness n. The state or condition of being unprintable.
UNPRINTABLENESS n. the state of being unprintable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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