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There are 12 fifteen-letter words containing B, H, 3I, P and R

BIBLIOGRAPHICALbibliographical adj. Bibliographic.
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to bibliography, also BIBLIOGRAPHIC.
BIBLIOTHERAPIESbibliotherapies n. Plural of bibliotherapy.
BIBLIOTHERAPY n. the use of reading materials for help in solving personal problems or for psychiatric therapy.
BIPARTISANSHIPSbipartisanships n. Plural of bipartisanship.
BIPARTISANSHIP n. the state of being bipartisan.
DECIPHERABILITYdecipherability n. (Uncountable) The condition of being decipherable.
decipherability n. (Countable) The extent to which something can be deciphered.
DECIPHERABILITY n. the quality of being decipherable.
DISTRIBUTORSHIPdistributorship n. A business specializing in the wholesale distribution of a particular class of goods.
DISTRIBUTORSHIP n. a company that distributes something, esp. one that has exclusive license to do this.
HYPERMOBILITIEShypermobilities n. Plural of hypermobility.
HYPERMOBILITY n. extreme mobility.
IMPERISHABILITYimperishability n. The quality of being imperishable.
IMPERISHABILITY n. the state of being imperishable.
MICROPUBLISHINGmicropublishing n. The publishing of microform publications.
micropublishing n. Publishing on a small scale, or for a niche audience.
MICROPUBLISHING n. publishing in microform.
PERISHABILITIESperishabilities n. Plural of perishability.
PERISHABILITY n. the state of being perishable.
PROHIBITIONISTSprohibitionists n. Plural of prohibitionist.
PROHIBITIONIST n. one who favors prohibition.
PROHIBITIVENESSprohibitiveness n. The quality of being prohibitive.
PROHIBITIVENESS n. the state of being prohibitive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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