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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing B, 3E, L, R and V

BOULEVERSEMENTSbouleversements n. Plural of bouleversement.
BOULEVERSEMENT n. (French) an overturning, a reversal.
CONVERSABLENESSconversableness n. The state or quality of being conversable.
CONVERSABLENESS n. the state of being conversable.
CONVERTIBLENESSconvertibleness n. The state of being convertible; convertibility.
CONVERTIBLENESS n. the state of being convertible.
FAVORABLENESSESfavorablenesses n. Plural of favorableness.
IMPERVIABLENESSimperviableness n. The quality of being imperviable.
IMPERVIABLE n. not able to be penetrated, also IMPERVIOUS.
IRREMOVABLENESSirremovableness n. The quality of being irremovable.
IRREMOVABLE n. incapable of being removed or displaced.
IRREVOCABLENESSirrevocableness n. Quality of being irrevocable.
IRREVOCABLE n. that cannot be revoked.
OVEREMBELLISHEDoverembellished v. Simple past tense and past participle of overembellish.
OVEREMBELLISH v. to embellish to excess.
OVEREMBELLISHESoverembellishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overembellish.
OVEREMBELLISH v. to embellish to excess.
OVEREXUBERANTLYoverexuberantly adv. In an overexuberant manner.
RECEIVABILITIESRECEIVABILITY n. the quality of being receivable.
RECOVERABLENESSrecoverableness n. The quality of being recoverable.
RECOVERABLENESS n. the state of being recoverable.
RETRIEVABLENESSretrievableness n. (Rare) retrievability.
RETRIEVABLE n. that can be retrieved.
REVEALABILITIESREVEALABILITY n. the quality of being revealable.
REVERSIBILITIESreversibilities n. Plural of reversibility.
REVERSIBILITY n. the state of being reversible.
REVOCABLENESSESREVOCABLENESS n. the quality of being revocable.
SERVICEABLENESSserviceableness n. The state or condition of being serviceable.
SERVICEABLENESS n. the state of being serviceable.
VENERABLENESSESvenerablenesses n. Plural of venerableness.
VENERABLENESS n. the state of being venerable.
VERITABLENESSESVERITABLENESS n. the state of being veritable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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