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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing B, D, E, N, 2O and S

BIODEGRADATIONSbiodegradations n. Plural of biodegradation.
BIODEGRADATION n. the state of being biodegraded.
BIOREMEDIATIONSbioremediations n. Plural of bioremediation.
BIOREMEDIATION n. the treatment of pollutants or waste (as in an oil spill, contaminated groundwater, or an industrial process) by the use of microorganisms (as bacteria) that break down the undesirable substances.
BLOODGUILTINESSbloodguiltiness n. Guilt of having shed blood or killed someone.
BLOODGUILTINESS n. the state of being bloodguilty.
BLOODLESSNESSESBLOODLESSNESS n. the state of being bloodless.
BOUSTROPHEDONICboustrophedonic adj. Relating to the boustrophedon mode of writing.
BOUSTROPHEDONIC adj. having alternate lines written in opposite directions.
BOWDLERISATIONSbowdlerisations n. Plural of bowdlerisation.
BOWDLERISATION n. the act of bowdlerising, also BOWDLERIZATION.
BOWDLERIZATIONSbowdlerizations n. Plural of bowdlerization.
BOWDLERIZATION n. the act of bowdlerizing, also BOWDLERISATION.
CONTAINERBOARDScontainerboards n. Plural of containerboard.
CONTAINERBOARD n. corrugated or solid cardboard used for making containers.
DECARBONISATIONdecarbonisation n. (British spelling) Alternative form of decarbonization.
DECARBONISATION n. the process of decarbonising, also DECARBONIZATION.
DEMOBILISATIONSdemobilisations n. Plural of demobilisation.
DEMOBILISATION n. the process of demobilising, also DEMOBILIZATION.
DEMOBILIZATIONSdemobilizations n. Plural of demobilization.
DEMOBILIZATION n. the act of demobilizing, also DEMOBILISATION.
RIBONUCLEOSIDESribonucleosides n. Plural of ribonucleoside.
RIBONUCLEOSIDE n. a nucleoside containing ribose.
RIBONUCLEOTIDESribonucleotides n. Plural of ribonucleotide.
RIBONUCLEOTIDE n. a nucleotide containing ribose.
SUBCOMMISSIONEDSUBCOMMISSION v. to give a subsidiary commission.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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