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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing B, C, E, G, N, O and S

ACTINOBIOLOGIESACTINOBIOLOGY n. the branch of biology concerned with the effects of radiation on living organisms.
BIOPROSPECTINGSBIOPROSPECTING n. the exploitation of traditional medicines.
BIOTECHNOLOGIESbiotechnologies n. Plural of biotechnology.
BIOTECHNOLOGY n. the utilisation of living organisms in industry.
BIOTECHNOLOGISTbiotechnologist n. A technologist who works in the field of biotechnology.
BIOTECHNOLOGIST n. one who studies biotechnology.
BRONCHOGRAPHIESBRONCHOGRAPHY n. radiological examination of the trachea or bronchi.
CHRONOBIOLOGIESchronobiologies n. Plural of chronobiology.
CHRONOBIOLOGY n. the study of biological rhythms.
CONGEALABLENESScongealableness n. Ability to be congealed.
CONGEALABLE n. that can be congealed.
INCROSSBREEDINGINCROSSBREED v. to produce by crossing two inbred individuals of different breeds, also INCROSS.
MISBECOMINGNESSmisbecomingness n. Quality of being misbecoming.
MISBECOMINGNESS n. the state of being misbecoming.
OVERPRESCRIBINGoverprescribing v. Present participle of overprescribe.
OVERPRESCRIBE v. to prescribe excessively.
OVERSUBSCRIBINGoversubscribing v. Present participle of oversubscribe.
OVERSUBSCRIBE v. to subscribe for more of than is available.
PLUMBAGINACEOUSplumbaginaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Plumbaginaceae.
PLUMBAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, leadworts.
RECOGNISABILITYrecognisability n. The quality of being recognisable.
RECOGNISABILITY n. the quality of being recognisable.
SUBCATEGORISINGsubcategorising v. Present participle of subcategorise.
SUBCATEGORISE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORIZE.
SUBCATEGORIZINGsubcategorizing v. Present participle of subcategorize.
SUBCATEGORIZE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORISE.
UNCATEGORISABLEuncategorisable adj. Alternative spelling of uncategorizable.
UNCATEGORISABLE adj. not able to be categorised, also UNCATEGORIZABLE.
ZYGOBRANCHIATESZYGOBRANCHIATE n. a type of gastropod having paired, symmetrically placed gills, also ZYGOBRANCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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