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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing B, C, D, L, O, R and T

BIDIRECTIONALLYbidirectionally adv. In opposite directions.
BIDIRECTIONAL adv. involving two usually opposite directions.
BIODESTRUCTIBLEbiodestructible adj. Capable of being destroyed by natural biological processes.
BIODESTRUCTIBLE adj. biodegradable.
BRACHYDACTYLOUSbrachydactylous adj. (Zoology) Having abnormally short digits.
BRACHYDACTYLOUS adj. having short or stubby fingers.
BRONCHODILATORSbronchodilators n. Plural of bronchodilator.
BRONCHODILATOR n. a drug that relaxes bronchial muscle resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages.
CORRODIBILITIEScorrodibilities n. Plural of corrodibility.
CORRODIBILITY n. the quality of being corrodible, also CORROSIBILITY.
COUNTERBALANCEDcounterbalanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterbalance.
counterbalanced adj. Having a counterbalance.
COUNTERBALANCE v. to oppose or balance with an equal weight or force.
COUNTERBLOCKADEcounterblockade n. A blockade set up in opposition to another blockade.
COUNTERBLOCKADE n. an opposing blockade.
COUNTERMANDABLEcountermandable adj. Capable of being countermanded.
COUNTERMANDABLE adj. able to be countermanded.
DECARBOXYLATINGdecarboxylating v. Present participle of decarboxylate.
DECARBOXYLATE v. to remove carbon dioxide from its substrate.
DECARBOXYLATIONdecarboxylation n. (Organic chemistry) The removal of one or more carboxyl groups from a molecule.
DECARBOXYLATION n. the removal or elimination of carboxyl from a molecule.
DEMOCRATIFIABLEDEMOCRATIFIABLE adj. able to be made democratic.
PRODUCIBILITIESproducibilities n. Plural of producibility.
PRODUCIBILITY n. the capacity to be produced.
REPRODUCIBILITYreproducibility n. The quality of being reproducible.
REPRODUCIBILITY n. the state of being reproducible.
RIBONUCLEOTIDESribonucleotides n. Plural of ribonucleotide.
RIBONUCLEOTIDE n. a nucleotide containing ribose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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