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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 16 fifteen-letter words containing B, 2C, E, 2I and R

BACTERIOLOGICALbacteriological adj. Of or pertaining to bacteriology.
BACTERIOLOGICAL adj. relating to bacteriology, also BACTERIOLOGIC.
BRACHIOCEPHALICbrachiocephalic adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the arm and the head.
BRACHIOCEPHALIC adj. relating to the arms and head.
CIRCUMAMBIENCEScircumambiences n. Plural of circumambience.
CIRCUMAMBIENCE n. the act of going round, encompassing, also CIRCUMAMBIENCY.
CIRCUMAMBIENTLYcircumambiently adv. In a circumambient manner.
CIRCUMAMBIENT adv. going round about; encompassing.
CIRCUMNAVIGABLEcircumnavigable adj. Able to be circumnavigated.
CIRCUMNAVIGABLE adj. able to be circumnavigated.
CIRCUMSCRIBABLEcircumscribable adj. Able to be circumscribed.
CIRCUMSCRIBABLE adj. able to be circumscribed.
CRUCIVERBALISMSCRUCIVERBALISM n. the compiling and solving of crosswords.
CRUCIVERBALISTScruciverbalists n. Plural of cruciverbalist.
CRUCIVERBALIST n. a designer or afficionado of crossword puzzles.
CYBERSECURITIESCYBERSECURITY n. the state of being safe from electronic crime and the measures taken to achieve this.
IRRECONCILABLESirreconcilables n. Plural of irreconcilable.
Irreconcilables n. Plural of Irreconcilable.
IRRECONCILABLE n. one that is irreconcilable.
RECONCILABILITYreconcilability n. The property of being reconcilable.
RECONCILABILITY n. the state of being reconcilable.
RECYCLABILITIESrecyclabilities n. Plural of recyclability.
SCRIBACIOUSNESSscribaciousness n. The quality of being scribacious.
SCRIBACIOUSNESS n. (archaic) the state of being scribacious, given to writing.
TECTIBRANCHIATEtectibranchiate adj. (Zoology, obsolete) Having the gills covered by the mantle; of or relating to the former order Tectibranchiata.
tectibranchiate n. Any tectibranchiate mollusk.
TECTIBRANCHIATE adj. of a like a tectibranch, any member of the Tectibranchiata, molluscs including sea-slugs.
UNCIRCUMSCRIBEDuncircumscribed adj. Not circumscribed.
UNCIRCUMSCRIBED adj. not circumscribed.
UNRECONCILIABLEunreconciliable adj. Not reconciliable.
UNRECONCILIABLE adj. (Shakespeare) unreconcilable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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