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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing B, R, 4S and U

ABSTRUSENESSESabstrusenesses n. Plural of abstruseness.
ABSTRUSENESS n. the state of being abstruse.
AGRIBUSINESSESagribusinesses n. Plural of agribusiness.
agri-businesses n. Plural of agri-business.
AGRIBUSINESS n. an industry engaged in operations associated with farming, also AGROBUSINESS.
AGROBUSINESSESagrobusinesses n. Plural of agrobusiness.
AGROBUSINESS n. the business of agriculture, also AGRIBUSINESS.
BOISTEROUSNESSboisterousness n. The characteristic of being boisterous.
BOISTEROUSNESS n. the state of being boisterous.
BUSINESSPERSONbusinessperson n. A person in business, or one who works at a commercial institution.
BUSINESSPERSON n. a businessman or businesswoman.
CUMBROUSNESSEScumbrousnesses n. Plural of cumbrousness.
CUMBROUSNESS n. the state of being cumbrous.
GLABROUSNESSESGLABROUSNESS n. the state of being glabrous.
NUMBERLESSNESSnumberlessness n. The state of being without number, uncountability.
NUMBERLESS n. without number, countless.
ROBUSTIOUSNESSrobustiousness n. Quality of being robustious.
ROBUSTIOUSNESS n. the state of being robustious, robust.
SALUBRIOUSNESSsalubriousness n. Healthiness.
SALUBRIOUS n. beneficial, healthful.
SCABROUSNESSESSCABROUSNESS n. the state of being scabrous.
SLUMBEROUSNESSslumberousness n. The quality of being slumberous.
SLUMBEROUSNESS n. the state of being slumberous, also SLUMBROUSNESS.
STUBBORNNESSESstubbornnesses n. Plural of stubbornness.
STUBBORNNESS n. the state of being stubborn.
SUBSIDIARINESSsubsidiariness n. The quality of being subsidiary.
SUBSIDIARINESS n. the state of being subsidiary.
SUBVERSIVENESSsubversiveness n. The state or quality of being subversive.
SUBVERSIVENESS n. the state of being subversive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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