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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing B, O, 3S and 2T

ABSTENTIONISMSabstentionisms n. Plural of abstentionism.
ABSTENTIONISM n. the policy of not using one's vote, esp. in a political election.
ABSTENTIONISTSabstentionists n. Plural of abstentionist.
ABSTENTIONIST n. a believer in abstentionism.
BACTERIOSTASESbacteriostases n. Plural of bacteriostasis.
BACTERIOSTASIS n. the inhibition of the growth of bacteria without destruction.
BACTERIOSTASISbacteriostasis n. (Biology) A phase in which microbial organisms are prevented from undergoing further cell growth, without…
BACTERIOSTASIS n. the inhibition of the growth of bacteria without destruction.
BESOTTEDNESSESBESOTTEDNESS n. the state of being besotted.
BIOSYSTEMATICSbiosystematics n. (Biology, taxonomy) taxonomy based upon statistical data of the evolution of organisms.
BIOSYSTEMATICS n. taxonomy esp. as based on cytogenetics and genetics.
BIOSYSTEMATISTbiosystematist n. One who works with biosystematics.
BIOSYSTEMATIST n. one who studies biosystematics.
BOTTOMLESSNESSbottomlessness n. The state or quality of being bottomless.
BOTTOMLESSNESS n. the state of being bottomless.
BREASTSTROKERSbreaststrokers n. Plural of breaststroker.
BREASTSTROKER n. one who swims using breaststroke.
CONTRABASSISTScontrabassists n. Plural of contrabassist.
CONTRABASSIST n. one who plays a contrabass.
POSTPUBESCENTSpostpubescents n. Plural of postpubescent.
POSTPUBESCENT n. someone of an age after pubescence.
SORBITISATIONSsorbitisations n. Plural of sorbitisation.
SORBITISATION n. the process of sorbitising, also SORBITIZATION.
SPERMATOBLASTSspermatoblasts n. Plural of spermatoblast.
SPERMATOBLAST n. a sperm-producing cell.
STABILISATIONSstabilisations n. Plural of stabilisation.
STABILISATION n. the act of stabilising, also STABILIZATION.
SUBSATURATIONSsubsaturations n. Plural of subsaturation.
SUBSATURATION n. a state of incomplete saturation.
SUBSTANTIATORSsubstantiators n. Plural of substantiator.
SUBSTANTIATOR n. one who substantiator.
SUBTILISATIONSsubtilisations n. Plural of subtilisation.
SUBTILISATION n. the process of subtilising, also SUBTILIZATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 20 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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