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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing B, E, 3R, S and T

ARBORICULTURESarboricultures n. Plural of arboriculture.
ARBORICULTURE n. the cultivation of trees and shrubs esp. for ornamental purposes.
BARRISTERSHIPSbarristerships n. Plural of barristership.
BARRISTERSHIP n. the office of barrister.
BRAILLEWRITERSbraillewriters n. Plural of braillewriter.
BRAILLEWRITER n. a machine for writing braille.
BREASTSTROKERSbreaststrokers n. Plural of breaststroker.
BREASTSTROKER n. one who swims using breaststroke.
CORROBORATIVEScorroboratives n. Plural of corroborative.
CORROBORATIVE n. that which serves to corroborate.
CYBERTERRORISMcyberterrorism n. (Computing) The deliberate, large-scale disruption of networks of computers, especially of computers…
cyber-terrorism n. Alternative spelling of cyberterrorism.
cyber␣terrorism n. Alternative spelling of cyberterrorism.
CYBERTERRORISTcyberterrorist n. A person who carries out cyberterrorism.
CYBERTERRORIST n. a terrorist who attacks computer networks.
INTEROBSERVERSSorry, definition not available.
IRRESTRAINABLEirrestrainable adj. That cannot be restrained.
IRRESTRAINABLE adj. that cannot be restrained.
PERTURBATORIESPERTURBATORY n. something tending to perturb.
PREFABRICATORSprefabricators n. Plural of prefabricator.
PREFABRICATOR n. one who prefabricates.
REVERBERATIONSreverberations n. Plural of reverberation.
REVERBERATION n. an act of reverberating.
STRIKEBREAKERSstrikebreakers n. Plural of strikebreaker.
STRIKEBREAKER n. a person hired to replace a striking worker.
SUBTERRESTRIALsubterrestrial adj. Under the earth; subterranean.
subterrestrial n. One who lives under the earth.
SUBTERRESTRIAL adj. existing underground.
WHORTLEBERRIESwhortleberries n. Plural of whortleberry.
WHORTLEBERRY n. a widely spread heath plant; its dark blue edible berry, also HURTLEBERRY, WHORT, WHORTLE.
WORCESTERBERRYworcesterberry n. Ribes divaricatum, a gooseberry plant of the Pacific coast of North America.
worcesterberry n. The black berry of this plant.
WORCESTERBERRY n. a North American species of gooseberry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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