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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 10 fourteen-letter words containing B, E, L, M, O and 2R

BAROMETRICALLYbarometrically adv. By means of a barometer.
BAROMETRICAL adv. as measured by a barometer, also BAROMETRIC.
CHLOROBROMIDESchlorobromides n. Plural of chlorobromide.
CHLOROBROMIDE n. a compound of chlorine and bromine with a metal or organic radical.
IRREMOVABILITYirremovability n. The quality or state of being irremovable.
IRREMOVABILITY n. the state of being irremovable.
MICROCELEBRITYmicrocelebrity n. (Uncountable) Celebrity on a small scale or in a specific area.
microcelebrity n. (Countable) A celebrity whose fame is on a small scale or in a specific area.
micro-celebrity n. Alternative form of microcelebrity.
MICROPUBLISHERmicropublisher n. A publisher of microform publications.
micropublisher n. A publisher operating on a small scale, or for a niche audience.
MICROPUBLISHER n. one who publishes in microform, a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
PERFORMABILITYperformability n. A measurement of how well a system performs over a period of time, regardless of the presence of faults.
PERFORMABILITY n. the state of being performable.
PROVERBIALISMSproverbialisms n. Plural of proverbialism.
PROVERBIALISM n. a saying in the form of, or like, a proverb.
REPROGRAMMABLEreprogrammable adj. That can be reprogrammed; whose program can be replaced with another.
REPROGRAMMABLE adj. capable of being reprogrammed.
THERMOFORMABLEthermoformable adj. Capable of being thermoformed.
THERMOFORMABLE adj. capable of being thermoformed.
UNPROGRAMMABLEunprogrammable adj. That cannot be programmed.
UNPROGRAMMABLE adj. not programmable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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