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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing B, 2E, 2I, O and U

BIOEQUIVALENCEbioequivalence n. (Pharmacology) A measure of the equivalence of multiple formulations of a drug in terms of bioavailability.
BIOLUMINESCENTbioluminescent adj. (Biology, biochemistry) Exhibiting bioluminescence.
BIOLUMINESCENT adj. relating to bioluminescence.
BOURGEOISIFIEDbourgeoisified v. Simple past tense and past participle of bourgeoisify.
BOURGEOISIFY v. to make bourgeois.
BOURGEOISIFIESbourgeoisifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bourgeoisify.
BOURGEOISIFY v. to make bourgeois.
EBULLIOMETRIESEBULLIOMETRY n. the measurement of the boiling point of a solution.
EBULLIOSCOPIESEBULLIOSCOPY n. measurement by use of an ebullioscope.
EMBOURGEOISINGembourgeoising v. Present participle of embourgeoise.
EMBOURGEOISE v. to cause to become bourgeois or middle-class.
HEBETUDINOSITYhebetudinosity n. The quality of being hebetudinous.
HEBETUDINOSITY n. the state of being hebetudinous, dull or lethargic.
INTERBEHAVIOURinterbehaviour n. Rare spelling of interbehavior.
INTERBEHAVIOUR n. interaction between multiple individuals, also INTERBEHAVIOR.
IRREPRODUCIBLEirreproducible adj. That cannot be reproduced or duplicated.
IRREPRODUCIBLE adj. not reproducible.
NEUROBIOLOGIESneurobiologies n. Plural of neurobiology.
NEUROBIOLOGY n. the study of the anatomy of the nervous system.
RESOLUBILITIESRESOLUBILITY n. the state of being resoluble.
RIBONUCLEOSIDEribonucleoside n. (Biochemistry) Any nucleoside component of RNA.
RIBONUCLEOSIDE n. a nucleoside containing ribose.
RIBONUCLEOTIDEribonucleotide n. (Biochemistry, genetics) Any nucleotide having ribose as its sugar.
RIBONUCLEOTIDE n. a nucleotide containing ribose.
SUBDIRECTORIESsubdirectories n. Plural of subdirectory.
ZINGIBERACEOUSzingiberaceous adj. Zinziberaceous.
ZINGIBERACEOUS adj. belonging to the zingiber family, also ZINZIBERACEOUS.
ZINZIBERACEOUSzinziberaceous adj. Belonging to or resembling the ginger family, the Zingiberaceae.
ZINZIBERACEOUS adj. belonging to the zingiber family, also ZINGIBERACEOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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