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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing B, D, L, N, O, R and T

BOWDLERISATIONbowdlerisation n. The action or instance of bowdlerising; the omission or removal of material considered vulgar or indecent.
BOWDLERISATION n. the act of bowdlerising, also BOWDLERIZATION.
BOWDLERIZATIONbowdlerization n. The action or instance of bowdlerizing; the omission or removal of material considered vulgar or indecent.
BOWDLERIZATION n. the act of bowdlerizing, also BOWDLERISATION.
BRONCHODILATORbronchodilator n. (Medicine) Any drug used to dilate and relax the bronchial passages and ease the flow of air to the lungs.
BRONCHODILATOR n. a drug that relaxes bronchial muscle resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages.
CONTRADICTABLEcontradictable adj. Capable of being contradicted.
CONTRADICTABLE adj. capable of being contradicted.
DEFIBRILLATIONdefibrillation n. The stopping of the fibrillation of the heart in order to restore normal contractions, especially by…
DEFIBRILLATION n. the act of defibrillating.
DISTRIBUTIONALdistributional adj. Of or pertaining to distribution.
distributional adj. (Bridge) Having an uneven distribution.
DISTRIBUTIONAL adj. relating to distribution.
INDEMONSTRABLEindemonstrable adj. Not able to be demonstrated or proved; unprovable.
INDEMONSTRABLE adj. incapable of being demonstrated.
INDEMONSTRABLYindemonstrably adv. In a way that cannot be demonstrated.
INDEMONSTRABLE adv. incapable of being demonstrated.
LABRADORESCENTlabradorescent adj. (Mineralogy) Having the striking iridescent appearance of some forms of labradorite: exhibiting labradorescence.
LABRADORESCENT adj. of minerals, displaying a brilliant play of colours, as that shown by some forms of labradorite.
LABYRINTHODONTlabyrinthodont adj. (Zoology) Having teeth with a labyrinthine (maze-like) internal structure.
labyrinthodont n. Any extinct amphibian of the subclass Labyrinthodontia.
LABYRINTHODONT n. an extinct amphibian, so called from a mazy pattern on a section of its teeth.
OVERABUNDANTLYoverabundantly adv. In an overabundant manner.
QUODLIBETARIANquodlibetarian n. One who discusses any subject at pleasure.
QUODLIBETARIAN n. a self-satisfied, disputatious person.
REDISCOUNTABLErediscountable adj. (Finance) Able to be rediscounted.
REDISCOUNTABLE adj. capable of being rediscounted.
RIBONUCLEOTIDEribonucleotide n. (Biochemistry, genetics) Any nucleotide having ribose as its sugar.
RIBONUCLEOTIDE n. a nucleotide containing ribose.
TRANSABDOMINALtransabdominal adj. (Anatomy, surgery) Across or through the abdominal wall.
UNDEMONSTRABLEundemonstrable adj. Not demonstrable.
UNDEMONSTRABLE adj. not demonstrable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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