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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing B, C, I, 2L, O and P

ACCOMPLISHABLEaccomplishable adj. Capable of being accomplished; practicable.
ACCOMPLISHABLE adj. capable of being accomplished.
AMPHIBOLOGICALamphibological adj. (Rare) of doubtful meaning, ambiguous, quibbling.
amphibological adj. (Linguistics) Grammatically ambiguous.
AMPHIBOLOGICAL adj. related to amphibology.
BIOGRAPHICALLYbiographically adv. In the form of a biography.
BIOGRAPHICAL adv. relating to biography, also BIOGRAPHIC.
COLLAPSABILITYCOLLAPSABILITY n. the quality of being collapsable, also COLLAPSIBILITY.
COLLAPSIBILITYcollapsibility n. (Uncountable) The condition of being collapsible.
collapsibility n. (Countable) The extent to which something is collapsible.
COLLAPSIBILITY n. the state of being collapsible, also COLLAPSABILITY.
COMPLIABLENESSCOMPLIABLE n. capable of bending or yielding; compliant.
EBULLIOSCOPIESEBULLIOSCOPY n. measurement by use of an ebullioscope.
HYPERBOLICALLYhyperbolically adv. In a hyperbolic manner.
HYPERBOLICAL adv. relating to a kind of mathematical curve, also HYPERBOLIC.
PALAEOBIOLOGICpalaeobiologic adj. Of or pertaining to palaeobiology.
PALAEOBIOLOGIC adj. related to palaeobiology.
PALEOBOTANICALpaleobotanical adj. Of or pertaining to paleobotany.
PALEOBOTANICAL adj. relating to paleobotany, also PALEOBOTANIC.
PARABIOTICALLYparabiotically adv. In a parabiotic manner.
PARABIOTIC adv. relating to parabiosis.
PLUMBISOLVENCYplumbisolvency n. Alternative form of plumbosolvency.
PLUMBISOLVENCY n. the ability to dissolve lead, also PLUMBOSOLVENCY.
PNEUMOBACILLUSPNEUMOBACILLUS n. a rod-shaped bacterium that occurs in the respiratory tract and which causes pneumonia.
POLYCARBOXYLICpolycarboxylic adj. (Chemistry) Having multiple carboxylic functional groups.
POLYCARBOXYLIC adj. of or like a polycarboxylate.
POLYSYLLABICALpolysyllabical adj. Alternative form of polysyllabic.
POLYSYLLABICAL adj. having more than one and usually more than three syllables, also POLYSYLLABIC.
STREPTOBACILLIstreptobacilli n. Plural of streptobacillus.
STREPTOBACILLUS n. any of a genus of rod-shaped bacteria in which the individual cells are often joined in a chain.
XENOPHOBICALLYxenophobically adv. In a xenophobic manner.
XENOPHOBIC adv. being afraid of foreigners.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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