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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing B, C, E, N, 2T and U

ANTITUBERCULARantitubercular adj. (Pharmacology) That is used to treat tuberculosis.
antitubercular n. Such a drug.
ANTITUBERCULAR adj. designed to counter tuberculosis.
BEAUTIFICATIONbeautification n. Making beautiful, beautifying, improving the appearance of something.
BEAUTIFICATION n. the process of making beautiful, as done by e.g. a cosmetic surgeon.
CONTRIBUTARIESCONTRIBUTARY n. (obsolete) a person or thing that contributes, also CONTRIBUTORY.
CONTRIBUTIVELYcontributively adv. In a contributive fashion.
CONTRIBUTIVE adv. relating to contribution.
CONTRIBUTORIESCONTRIBUTORY n. (obsolete) a person or thing that contributes, also CONTRIBUTARY.
COUNTABILITIESCOUNTABILITY n. the quality of being countable.
COUNTERSUBJECTcountersubject n. (Music) The secondary melody in contrapuntal music.
COUNTERSUBJECT n. a second theme by the first voice (esp. in a fugue) when accompanying the second voice performing the main subject.
CYBERSQUATTINGcybersquatting n. (Internet) The registration of a well-known brand or company name as an Internet domain name in the…
CYBERSQUATTING n. the practice of registering an internet domain name that is likely to be wanted by another person or organisation.
INDESTRUCTIBLEindestructible adj. Not destructible; incapable of decomposition or of being destroyed; invincible.
INDESTRUCTIBLE adj. incapable of being destroyed.
INDESTRUCTIBLYindestructibly adv. In a way or to an extent that is indestructible.
INDESTRUCTIBLE adv. incapable of being destroyed.
INELUCTABILITYineluctability n. The state or condition of being ineluctable.
INELUCTABILITY n. the state of being ineluctable, inevitable; irresistible.
NITROBACTERIUMnitrobacterium n. Any of the several genera of bacteria in soil that take part in the nitrogen cycle, oxidizing ammonium…
NITROBACTERIUM n. a bacterium that convert ammonium compounds into nitrites, and esp. those that convert nitrites into nitrates.
POSTPUBESCENTSpostpubescents n. Plural of postpubescent.
POSTPUBESCENT n. someone of an age after pubescence.
SUBCONTINENTALsubcontinental adj. Of or pertaining to a subcontinent.
subcontinental adj. (Geology) Located or occurring beneath continental crust.
subcontinental adj. Pertaining to the Indian Subcontinent; South Asian.
SUBCONTRARIETYsubcontrariety n. Quality of being subcontrary.
SUBCONTRARIETY n. the state of being subcontrary.
SUBMETACENTRICsubmetacentric adj. (Cytology) (of a chromosome) having the centromere between one end and the middle, and thus having a…
submetacentric n. A submetacentric chromosome.
SUBMETACENTRIC n. a chromosome having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other.
TUBERCULATIONStuberculations n. Plural of tuberculation.
TUBERCULATION n. the formation of tubercles.
UNCULTIVATABLEuncultivatable adj. Uncultivable.
UNCULTIVATABLE adj. not cultivatable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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