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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 11 fourteen-letter words containing B, C, 2E, I, M and U

BIOLUMINESCENTbioluminescent adj. (Biology, biochemistry) Exhibiting bioluminescence.
BIOLUMINESCENT adj. relating to bioluminescence.
CIRCUMAMBIENCEcircumambience n. The condition of being circumambient.
CIRCUMAMBIENCE n. the act of going round, encompassing, also CIRCUMAMBIENCY.
COMPUTERISABLEcomputerisable adj. Alternative form of computerizable.
COMPUTERISABLE adj. that can be computerised, also COMPUTERIZABLE.
COMPUTERIZABLEcomputerizable adj. Able to be computerized.
COMPUTERIZABLE adj. that can be computerized, also COMPUTERISABLE.
DISENCUMBERINGdisencumbering v. Present participle of disencumber.
DISENCUMBER v. to free from encumbrance, also DISCUMBER.
DISENCUMBRANCEdisencumbrance n. Freedom or deliverance from encumbrance, or anything burdensome or troublesome.
DISENCUMBRANCE n. the act of freeing from encumbrance.
EXCOMMUNICABLEexcommunicable adj. Liable or deserving to be excommunicated.
EXCOMMUNICABLE adj. that can be excommunicated.
MULTICHAMBEREDmultichambered adj. Having more than one chamber.
MULTICHAMBERED adj. having many chambers.
SUBMETACENTRICsubmetacentric adj. (Cytology) (of a chromosome) having the centromere between one end and the middle, and thus having a…
submetacentric n. A submetacentric chromosome.
SUBMETACENTRIC n. a chromosome having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other.
SUPERINCUMBENTsuperincumbent adj. (Chiefly sciences) Lying or resting on something else; overlying.
SUPERINCUMBENT adj. resting on top; overlying; overhanging.
UNBECOMINGNESSunbecomingness n. A state of being unbecoming; unseemliness, inappropriateness.
UNBECOMINGNESS n. the state of being unbecoming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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