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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing B, 2C, 2E, R and S

ACINETOBACTERSacinetobacters n. Plural of acinetobacter.
ACINETOBACTER n. a kind of bacteria, instrumental in causing respiratory disease.
BACCALAUREATESbaccalaureates n. Plural of baccalaureate.
BACCALAUREATE n. a set of examinations intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education in any of several countries.
BRONCHIECTASESbronchiectases n. Plural of bronchiectasis.
BRONCHIECTASIS n. a chronic dilatation of bronchi or bronchioles.
BUTTERSCOTCHESbutterscotches n. Plural of butterscotch.
BUTTERSCOTCH n. a candy made from brown sugar, butter, corn syrup, and water.
CHECKERBERRIEScheckerberries n. Plural of checkerberry.
CHECKERBERRY n. the fruit of various American plants, esp. the wintergreen.
COUNTERSUBJECTcountersubject n. (Music) The secondary melody in contrapuntal music.
COUNTERSUBJECT n. a second theme by the first voice (esp. in a fugue) when accompanying the second voice performing the main subject.
CYBERATHLETICScyberathletics n. Synonym of e-sports.
CYBERATHLETICS n. electronic sports.
CYBERATTACKERScyberattackers n. Plural of cyberattacker.
CYBERNETICIANScyberneticians n. Plural of cybernetician.
CYBERNETICIAN n. a specialist in cybernetics.
CYBERNETICISTScyberneticists n. Plural of cyberneticist.
CYBERNETICIST n. a student of cybernetics.
DISENCUMBRANCEdisencumbrance n. Freedom or deliverance from encumbrance, or anything burdensome or troublesome.
DISENCUMBRANCE n. the act of freeing from encumbrance.
EXACERBESCENCEexacerbescence n. (Archaic) increase of irritation or violence, particularly of a fever or disease.
EXACERBESCENCE n. (archaic) exacerbation.
KNICKERBOCKERSknickerbockers n. Men’s or boys’ baggy knee breeches, of a type particularly popular in the early 20th century.
Knickerbockers n. (Archaic or historical) plural of Knickerbocker; New Yorkers, particularly descendants of its original Dutch settlers.
Knickerbockers n. (Basketball, uncommon) The formal name of the New York Knicks, a team in the National Basketball Association.
NONRECYCLABLESnonrecyclables n. Plural of nonrecyclable.
NONRECYCLABLE n. something not recyclable.
SUBMETACENTRICsubmetacentric adj. (Cytology) (of a chromosome) having the centromere between one end and the middle, and thus having a…
submetacentric n. A submetacentric chromosome.
SUBMETACENTRIC n. a chromosome having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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