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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, L, 2R and 2S

BLURREDNESSESBLURREDNESS n. the state of being blurred.
BREATHALYSERSbreathalysers n. Plural of breathalyser.
BREATHALYSER n. (tradename) a device which measures the amount of alcohol on a person's breath, also BREATHALYZER.
BROTHERLINESSbrotherliness n. The characteristic of being brotherly.
BROTHERLINESS n. the state of being brotherly.
CYBERSTALKERScyberstalkers n. Plural of cyberstalker.
CYBERSTALKER n. one who uses electronic communications to harass someone persistently.
EMBARRASSABLEembarrassable adj. Capable of being embarrassed.
EMBARRASSABLE adj. capable of being embarrassed.
EMBARRASSEDLYembarrassedly adv. In an embarrassed manner.
EMBARRASSED adv. EMBARRASS, to discomfit.
ERYTHROBLASTSerythroblasts n. Plural of erythroblast.
ERYTHROBLAST n. a cell in bone marrow that develops into an erythrocyte.
FILIBUSTERERSfilibusterers n. Plural of filibusterer.
FILIBUSTERER n. one who filibusters.
HARDSCRABBLESHARDSCRABBLE n. a great effort made in the face of difficulties.
INERRABLENESSinerrableness n. Exemption from error; infallibility.
INERRABLENESS n. the state of being inerrable, incapable of erring.
IRREPRESSIBLEirrepressible adj. Not containable or controllable.
irrepressible adj. (Of a person) Especially high-spirited, outspoken, or insistent.
IRREPRESSIBLE adj. impossible to repress.
IRREPRESSIBLYirrepressibly adv. In a manner or to a degree that can not be repressed; in an irrepressible way.
IRREPRESSIBLE adv. impossible to repress.
IRRESPONSIBLEirresponsible adj. (Now rare) Not responsible; exempt from legal responsibility, not to be held accountable.
irresponsible adj. Lacking a sense of responsibility; performed or acting as though without responsibility; negligent.
irresponsible n. Someone who is not responsible.
IRRESPONSIBLYirresponsibly adv. In an irresponsible manner; so as to be irresponsible.
IRRESPONSIBLE adv. not responsible.
IRRITABLENESSirritableness n. The quality of being irritable.
IRRITABLENESS n. the state of being irritable.
PLASTERBOARDSplasterboards n. Plural of plasterboard.
PLASTERBOARD n. a thin rigid board, in the form of a layer of plaster compressed between two layers of fibreboard, used to form or cover walls.
PRESBYTERIALSpresbyterials n. Plural of presbyterial.
PRESBYTERIAL n. an organization of Presbyterian women associated with a presbytery.
SALMONBERRIESsalmonberries n. Plural of salmonberry.
SALMONBERRY n. a salmon-coloured North American raspberry.
SILVERBERRIESsilverberries n. Plural of silverberry.
silver␣berries n. Plural of silver berry.
SILVERBERRY n. a silvery North American shrub of the oleaster family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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