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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, I, M, P and 2S

BUMPTIOUSNESSbumptiousness n. The state of being bumptious; conceitedness.
BUMPTIOUSNESS n. the state of being bumptious.
IMPERISHABLESimperishables n. Plural of imperishable.
IMPERISHABLE n. something imperishable.
IMPERMISSIBLEimpermissible adj. Not permissible; not to be permitted or allowed.
IMPERMISSIBLE adj. not permissible.
IMPERMISSIBLYimpermissibly adv. (Chiefly law) In a way or to an extent that is not permissible.
IMPERMISSIBLE adv. not permissible.
IMPUTABLENESSimputableness n. The quality of being imputable; imputability.
IMPUTABLENESS n. the state of being imputable.
INCOMPOSSIBLEincompossible adj. (Rare) Not capable of joint existence; incompatible; inconsistent.
INCOMPOSSIBLE adj. incapable of coexisting.
PAEDOBAPTISMSpaedobaptisms n. Plural of paedobaptism.
pædobaptisms n. Plural of pædobaptism.
PAEDOBAPTISM n. the doctrine of infant baptism.
PARASYMBIOSESPARASYMBIOSIS n. the symbiotic relationship that occurs between certain species of fungi and lichens.
PHLEBOTOMISESphlebotomises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phlebotomise.
PHLEBOTOMISE v. to perform phlebotomy on, also PHLEBOTOMIZE.
PHLEBOTOMISTSphlebotomists n. Plural of phlebotomist.
PHLEBOTOMIST n. one who carries out phlebotomies.
POLYRIBOSOMESpolyribosomes n. Plural of polyribosome.
POLYRIBOSOME n. a cluster of ribosomes linked together by a molecule of messenger RNA and forming the site of protein synthesis.
PREASSEMBLIESpreassemblies n. Plural of preassembly.
UNIMPRESSIBLEunimpressible adj. Not impressible; not sensitive; apathetic.
UNIMPRESSIBLE adj. not impressible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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