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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, I, 3L and N

BALNEOLOGICALbalneological adj. Of or pertaining to balneology.
BALNEOLOGICAL adj. related to balneology, the science of the therapeutic use of baths.
BELLIGERENTLYbelligerently adv. In a belligerent manner; with aggressive hostility.
BELLIGERENT adv. aggressive.
BELLYFLOPPINGbellyflopping v. Present participle of bellyflop.
belly␣flopping v. Present participle of belly flop.
BELLYFLOP v. to perform a dive into water in which the body lands horizontally.
BIMILLENNIALSbimillennials n. Plural of bimillennial.
BIMILLENNIAL n. an anniversary recurring every two thousand years.
FLABELLATIONSflabellations n. Plural of flabellation.
FLABELLATION n. the act of fanning.
ILLEGIBLENESSillegibleness n. Illegibility.
ILLEGIBLE n. not legible.
ILLIBERALNESSilliberalness n. The state of being illiberal; illiberality.
ILLIBERALNESS n. the state of being illiberal.
LAMELLIBRANCHlamellibranch n. Any marine or freshwater bivalve mollusk, of the class Lamellibranchia or Bivalvia; includes the clams…
LAMELLIBRANCH n. any member of the Lamellibranchiata, bivalve molluscs including clams, mussels and oysters.
NONREFILLABLEnonrefillable adj. Not refillable; unable to be refilled.
NONREFILLABLE adj. not refillable.
ROLLERBLADINGrollerblading v. Present participle of rollerblade.
ROLLERBLADING n. the sport of skating on rollerblades.
UNCOLLECTIBLEuncollectible adj. That cannot be collected.
uncollectible n. (Usually in the plural) Something, such as a bad debt, that cannot be collected.
UNCOLLECTIBLE adj. not collectible.
UNFULFILLABLEunfulfillable adj. Not fulfillable.
UNFULFILLABLE adj. not capable of being fulfilled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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