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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, 2I, M and 2O

AMPHIBOLOGIESamphibologies n. Plural of amphibology.
AMPHIBOLOGY n. a grammatically ambiguous phrase or sentence, also AMPHIBOLY.
BIOCOMPATIBLEbiocompatible adj. Compatible with biological tissue.
BIOCOMPATIBLE adj. compatible with and not harmful to living tissue.
BIOTERRORISMSSorry, definition not available.
BROMOCRIPTINEbromocriptine n. (Pharmacology) A drug used in the treatment of parkinsonism, galactorrhea, and other conditions. It…
BROMOCRIPTINE n. a polypeptide ergot derivative that mimics the activity of dopamine in inhibiting prolactin secretion.
COMORBIDITIEScomorbidities n. Plural of comorbidity.
co-morbidities n. Plural of co-morbidity; Alternative form of comorbidities.
COMORBIDITY n. the state of being comorbid, of illness, occurring at the same time as other illnesses.
DISEMBOSOMINGdisembosoming v. Present participle of disembosom.
DISEMBOSOM v. to separate from the bosom, to unburden.
EMBOLISATIONSembolisations n. Plural of embolisation.
EMBOLISATION n. the process of embolising, also EMBOLIZATION.
EMBOLIZATIONSembolizations n. Plural of embolization.
EMBOLIZATION n. the process of embolizing, also EMBOLISATION.
ENDOSYMBIOSISendosymbiosis n. (Ecology) The condition of living within the body or cells of another organism; an instance of an organism so living.
ENDOSYMBIOSIS n. symbiosis in which one of the symbiotic organisms lives inside the other.
ENDOSYMBIOTICendosymbiotic adj. Of or pertaining to endosymbiosis.
endosymbiotic adj. That lives within a body or cells of another organism. Forming an endosymbiosis.
ENDOSYMBIOTIC adj. of or pertaining to endosymbiosis; (of an organism) living in such a relationship.
INCOMPOSSIBLEincompossible adj. (Rare) Not capable of joint existence; incompatible; inconsistent.
INCOMPOSSIBLE adj. incapable of coexisting.
ISOBAROMETRICisobarometric adj. Indicating equal barometric pressure.
ISOBAROMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by isobar.
MYELOFIBROSISmyelofibrosis n. Collagen deposition by fibroblasts in the bone marrow, whether primary or secondary to other causes…
MYELOFIBROSIS n. an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
MYELOFIBROTICmyelofibrotic adj. Relating to myelofibrosis.
MYELOFIBROTIC adj. relating to myelofibrosis, an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
OVERAMBITIOUSoverambitious adj. Excessively ambitious.
OVERAMBITIOUS adj. excessively ambitious.
POPMOBILITIESPOPMOBILITY n. a form of exercise that combines aerobics in a continuous dance routine, performed to pop music.
RECOMBINATIONrecombination n. Combination a second or subsequent time.
recombination n. (Genetics) The formation of genetic combinations in offspring that are not present in the parents.
recombination n. (Chemistry) The reverse of dissociation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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