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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, G, 2N, S and T

AFTERBURNINGSAFTERBURNING n. reheat, the use of a device to inject fuel into the hot exhaust gases of a turbojet in order to obtain increased thrust.
ANTAGONISABLEantagonisable adj. Alternative form of antagonizable.
ANTAGONISABLE adj. capable of being antagonised, also ANTAGONIZABLE.
BABINGTONITESBABINGTONITE n. a triclinic basic silicate of iron and calcium, occurring as glassy greenish-black crystals.
BENIGHTEDNESSbenightedness n. The quality of being benighted.
BENIGHTEDNESS n. the state of being benighted.
BENIGHTENINGSBENIGHTENING n. being overtaken by night.
COBBLESTONINGcobblestoning n. (Medicine) Any lumpy appearance of the trachea, lungs, etc. caused by regular nodules.
COBBLESTONE v. to pave with cobblestones.
DISBURTHENINGdisburthening v. Present participle of disburthen.
DISBURTHEN v. to get rid of a burden, also DISBURDEN.
HEARTBURNINGSheartburnings n. Plural of heartburning.
HEARTBURNING n. intense or rancorous jealousy or resentment.
INTERBEDDINGSinterbeddings n. Plural of interbedding.
INTERBEDDING n. the act of inserting between layers.
INTERSCRIBINGinterscribing v. Present participle of interscribe.
INTERSCRIBE v. (obsolete) to write between.
SUBGENERATIONsubgeneration n. A generation that belongs to another generation.
SUBGENERATION n. a subdivision of a generation.
SUBGOVERNMENTsubgovernment n. A government that forms part of a larger government.
SUBGOVERNMENT n. a subdivision of a government.
SUBNETWORKINGSUBNETWORK v. to use a subnetwork.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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