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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, G, I, L, T and U

BLOODGUILTIERBLOODGUILTY adj. guilty of shedding blood.
BLUESTOCKINGSbluestockings n. Plural of bluestocking.
blue-stockings n. Plural of blue-stocking.
BLUESTOCKING n. an early feminist; an educated or literary woman.
EQUILIBRATINGequilibrating v. Present participle of equilibrate.
EQUILIBRATE v. to bring into or keep in equilibrium.
FILIBUSTERINGfilibustering v. Present participle of filibuster.
filibustering n. The act of one who filibusters.
FILIBUSTERING n. obstructing legislation by making long speeches.
FUNGIBILITIESfungibilities n. Plural of fungibility.
FUNGIBILITY n. the state of being fungible.
GLOBULARITIESglobularities n. Plural of globularity.
GLOBULARITY n. the quality of being globular.
GUBERNATORIALgubernatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a governor.
GUBERNATORIAL adj. belonging to a governor (esp. the Governor of an American state) or the office of governor.
GULLIBILITIESgullibilities n. Plural of gullibility.
GULLIBILITY n. the state of being gullible.
NIGHTCLUBBERSnightclubbers n. Plural of nightclubber.
NIGHTCLUBBER n. one who attends nightclubs.
OUTBLUSTERINGoutblustering v. Present participle of outbluster.
OUTBLUSTER v. to surpass in bluster.
PERAMBULATINGperambulating v. Present participle of perambulate.
PERAMBULATE v. to walk through, to inspect an area on foot.
PREAMBULATINGpreambulating v. Present participle of preambulate.
PREAMBULATE v. to make a preamble.
RELUBRICATINGrelubricating v. Present participle of relubricate.
RELUBRICATE v. to lubricate again.
SUBCLUSTERINGsubclustering n. The creation of a subcluster.
SUBCLUSTER v. to form part of a cluster of galaxies.
SUBCOLLEGIATEsubcollegiate adj. Of lower than collegiate level.
SUBCOLLEGIATE adj. relating to departments of a college.
TROUBLEMAKINGtroublemaking adj. Causing trouble.
troublemaking n. Causing trouble; acting in a disruptive way.
TROUBLEMAKING n. the act of making trouble.
TUBERCULISINGtuberculising v. Present participle of tuberculise.
TUBERCULISE v. to infect with tuberculosis, also TUBERCULIZE.
TUBERCULIZINGtuberculizing v. Present participle of tuberculize.
TUBERCULIZE v. to infect with tuberculosis, also TUBERCULISE.
UNBELLIGERENTunbelligerent adj. Not belligerent.
UNBELLIGERENT adj. not belligerent.
UNTREMBLINGLYuntremblingly adv. Without trembling; courageously.
UNTREMBLING adv. not trembling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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