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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, G, H, I, L and O

AMPHIBOLOGIESamphibologies n. Plural of amphibology.
AMPHIBOLOGY n. a grammatically ambiguous phrase or sentence, also AMPHIBOLY.
BENTHOPELAGICbenthopelagic adj. Both benthic and pelagic.
benthopelagic n. Any such organism.
BENTHOPELAGIC adj. living just above the seabed.
BIBLIOGRAPHERbibliographer n. A person who compiles bibliographies, or who studies bibliography.
BIBLIOGRAPHER n. an expert in bibliography.
BIOTECHNOLOGYbiotechnology n. The use of living organisms (especially microorganisms) in industrial, agricultural, medical and other…
biotechnology n. The application of the principles and practices of engineering and technology to the life sciences.
BIOTECHNOLOGY n. the utilisation of living organisms in industry.
BOBSLEIGHINGSBOBSLEIGHING n. the act of travelling by bobsleigh.
COPYRIGHTABLEcopyrightable adj. (Copyright law) Able to be protected by copyright law.
copyrightable n. Anything for which one can obtain copyright.
COPYRIGHTABLE adj. that can be copyrighted.
HOBGOBLINRIESHOBGOBLINRY n. the state of being a hobgoblin, also HOBGOBLINISM.
HYPERBOLISINGhyperbolising v. Present participle of hyperbolise.
HYPERBOLISE v. to indulge in hyperbole, also HYPERBOLIZE.
HYPERBOLIZINGhyperbolizing v. Present participle of hyperbolize.
HYPERBOLIZE v. to indulge in hyperbole, also HYPERBOLISE.
METHEMOGLOBINmethemoglobin n. (Biochemistry) An oxidized form of hemoglobin, containing ferric rather than ferrous iron, that cannot…
METHEMOGLOBIN n. a soluble brown crystalline basic blood pigment that differs from hemoglobin in containing ferric iron and in being unable to combine reversibly with molecular oxygen.
NEIGHBORLIESTneighborliest adj. Superlative form of neighborly: most neighborly.
NEIGHBORLY adj. like a neighbor, also NEIGHBOURLY.
NEIGHBOURLESSneighbourless adj. Alternative spelling of neighborless.
NEIGHBOURLESS adj. without a neighbour, also NEIGHBORLESS.
OVERBLEACHINGoverbleaching v. Present participle of overbleach.
OVERBLEACH v. to bleach to excess.
OXYHEMOGLOBINoxyhemoglobin n. (American spelling) Alternative form of oxyhaemoglobin.
OXYHEMOGLOBIN n. a loose compound of oxygen and haemoglobin, also OXYHAEMOGLOBIN.
PHLEBOGRAPHICphlebographic adj. Relating to phlebography.
PHLEBOGRAPHIC adj. relating to phlebography, radiography of a vein.
UNNEIGHBOURLYunneighbourly adj. Not neighbourly; antisocial.
unneighbourly adv. In a way that is not neighbourly.
UNNEIGHBOURLY adj. not like a neighbour, also UNNEIGHBORLY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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