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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing B, 2E, I, 2T and U

BEAUTIFULLESTbeautifullest adj. Alternative spelling of beautifulest.
BEAUTIFUL adj. fair to look at.
BITTERBRUSHESbitterbrushes n. Plural of bitterbrush.
BITTERBRUSH n. a silvery shrub of NW America.
BRITTLEBUSHESbrittlebushes n. Plural of brittlebush.
BUTTERFINGERSbutterfingers n. Someone who tends to drop things; (more generally) someone who is clumsy or uncoordinated; a klutz.
butterfingers n. One’s fingers which tend to drop things, or are clumsy or uncoordinated.
butterfingers n. A tendency to drop things, or to be clumsy or uncoordinated.
BUTTERINESSESBUTTERINESS n. the state of being buttery.
INTERRUPTIBLEinterruptible adj. Able to be interrupted.
INTERRUPTIBLE adj. capable of being interrupted.
POSTPUBERTIESPOSTPUBERTY n. the period after puberty.
REDISTRIBUTEDredistributed v. Simple past tense and past participle of redistribute.
REDISTRIBUTE v. to alter the distribution of.
REDISTRIBUTESredistributes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of redistribute.
REDISTRIBUTE v. to alter the distribution of.
RETRIBUTIVELYretributively adv. In a retributive manner.
RETRIBUTIVE adv. relating to retribution.
SUBCOMMITTEESsubcommittees n. Plural of subcommittee.
SUBCOMMITTEE n. a subdivision of a committee usually organized for a specific purpose.
SUBLIEUTENANTsublieutenant n. Alternative form of sub-lieutenant.
sub-lieutenant n. (Military, navy) A commissioned officer of the navy whose rank is immediately below that of a lieutenant.
SUBLIEUTENANT n. a commissioned officer in the British navy ranking immediately below lieutenant.
SUBLITERATUREsubliterature n. (Uncountable) Inferior literature, such as pulp fiction.
subliterature n. (Sciences) A defined portion of an academic literature.
SUBLITERATURE n. popular writing (as mystery or adventure stories) considered inferior to standard literature.
SUBSATELLITESsubsatellites n. Plural of subsatellite.
sub-satellites n. Plural of sub-satellite; Alternative form of subsatellites.
SUBSATELLITE n. an object carried into orbit in and subsequently released from a satellite or spacecraft.
TURBIDIMETERSturbidimeters n. Plural of turbidimeter.
TURBIDIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the turbidity of liquids.
TURBOELECTRICturboelectric adj. (Of a transmission in ships and locomotives) That uses electric generators to convert the mechanical…
TURBOELECTRIC adj. using or being a turbine generator that produces electricity usually for motive power.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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